Learning to Drive
The day has finally come……..my oldest daughter received her Learner’s Permit on Monday and is ready to drive anywhere. I thought I had experienced real fear before ~ I realized Monday morning leaving the DMV that I had not! Not that she did that bad mind you, she actually did pretty good. My fear comes from within the depths of myself….something I’m sure all parents with a new teenaged driver experiences. You want them to learn…. they need to learn…. so you find yourself sitting on your hands to keep from grabbing the wheel most of the time. And who knew your car could take a turn that fast. Your nerves are on full alert, and then you glance over at their face…..the look of pride and intense happiness ~ when was the last time you saw a smile that big and eyes so bright with excitement!!
So, with my daughter grinning from ear to ear, exclaiming how much she loves sitting in that seat, how much she loves being able to drive……..I sit on my hands and rein in my fears while I offer reminders to watch her speed and use her turn indicators….. and I feel my own big smile of pride washing over my face.

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i love you :)<3