Outside My Window Today ~ 3.29.09
From the kitchen…never did get to try my bread recipes this past week so that is on my agenda for this week.
I am creating…a stretch mark cream and a diminishing scar cream ~ both by special request. I have recipes for both and been anxious to try them but lacked “test” subjects…..how cool they came to me!
I am going…get my plans together for my time off next month. I’m taking a few days off during my daughter’s spring break from school the week of the 6th. It is my hope to get a lot of outside chores completed.
I am reading…my current issue of Mother Earth News.
I am hoping…that the world leaders took note of the participation in Earth Hour last night. We participated…..I turned out all the lights and pulled out my hurricane lamp. My youngest daughter had a friend stay over after we picked them up from the movies at 8:30….we sat and talked about different things. With about 15 minutes to spare, everyone decided with all the lights off ~ perfect time to watch a scary movie. We watched “Cloverfield”…..not so much “scary” but definitely had a good creep factor to it. We kept the lights off for the remainder of the night.
I am hearing…my very relaxing Zen Garden CD (sounds from nature mixed in with soft music)…and the soft ticking of my many clocks.
Around the house…the never ending lists of chores…..a pile of videos of the girls when they were very young. I’m going to transfer those from video to DVD for the archives….
Plans for the week include…transferring my videos and trying out the new bread recipes I didn’t try last week.
One of my favorite things…is spending time with my girls.
A picture I’d like to share with you…field of dreams.