Before and After

…..and the same area after

Empty pots are waiting to be filled with plants sometime real soon! Next we move to the back right……..before

The “bowl of green” is what should be my fountain……I keep telling myself I need to turn it over after I remove the pump each winter. You would think I would remember because it is such a pain to clean. Now we have the after…….

I transplanted the jasmine into the larger pot in the corner and created a raised bed across the back. You can see the other raised bed I created on the right. I will be filling these up with plants very soon. You can’t see the fountain in this shot, so I have one of it all by itself……..

The fountain is quite simple, but small enough for my little yard and very relaxing. Next, back left corner………

The blue tarp covers bags of soil that are now in the raised beds I created….now we have after……….

I also trimmed some hedges gone wild on the other side of the fence, and raked up more leaves than you could imagine. I began work on the beds on the side of the house, but that is for another day.