Welcome to Virginia
Welcome to Virginia……..and specifically Newport News. The city, while developing quite a bit in the last several years, still has a lot of trees. And lots of trees = lots of pollen. Check out the greenish-yellow powder covering my Jeep this morning….
and another angle…….
Everything is coated with this powder and the air is filled with it……and will be until probably Monday when the rains are suppose to come. During this time of year, rain every couple of days is a welcome sight……washes the pollen away and clears the air. Oh, by the way, my neighbors car isn’t really clown orange, I guess the reflection from the sun caused the color to look that way ~ that and reducing the pixel size of the photo for web posting may have altered the color.
Did you notice my blooming azaleas? Not quite in their full bloom glory, but they are quite beautiful……again, reducing the size for posting does take away a bit from the photo……
Here is a closeup of one that is quite nice, without the reduction……
All these photos were leading up to my trip to Lowes for some supplies for the garden and yard. I found some organic soil and transplanted my veggies. I also picked up a tomato plant, one specifically made for containers. I’m like the Farmer in the Dell!
I also got some dehydrated manure to mix in with my soil for the flower bed area. This should be interesting ~ I have never used it before. There was a woman buying the same thing when I was looking at it and I asked if she had used it before. She had and said it was a very good product. I asked if there was going to be an issue with “odor”…….I’m not sure the neighbors would like it too much if the ‘hood’ suddenly smelled like a cow pasture! She assured me that it was nothing to worry about………hmmm, we will see.