Outside My Window ~ 4.26.09
Outside My Window…is a warm morning already. It is around 8:30 and we are already at 71 degrees outside. We have brilliant blue skies and a very slight breeze. Our high is forecasted for 91 degrees today. If the water temps at the beach weren’t still in the 50’s or 60’s, I might consider the beach!
I am thinking…about how glad I am I finally finished the corner of the flower bed yesterday. It was a chore to say the least. Now all that remains are the front beds, which fortunately are not that bad!
I am thankful for…being able to spend some time with Papa and Nina this weekend. It has been a long time since we have gotten together before this weekend so it was great to see them both again. Dinner together on Friday evening, yesterday they spent the day with my younger brother’s family attending my nephew’s baseball game and visiting at their home. Today, there is a cookout with the entire family, including my mom and Alanna’s boyfriend Billy, at their campsite in Newport News Park. Fortunately there is a breeze and the park has many, many trees so that should help with the heat.
From the kitchen…there is nothing at the moment. Well, I do have some delicious coffee brewing so I suppose that counts. I think I will prepare a breakfast of scrambled eggs, broccoli and cheese in a little bit.
I am creating…a lot of soap very soon. Nina has gone shopping and just about cleaned me out of soap!
I am going…to our family cookout today and then probably spend the remainder of this day relaxing. Yesterday’s gardening was quite a workout…….I had far too many stumps and little trees to dig up. The little trees are a result of a mimosa tree located not too far from me in the complex common area. I loved the tree……beautiful flowers that had an amazing scent on warm, summer nights. Except when beautiful flowers dropped off the tree, what an amazing mess they would create. Those types of trees need to be planted far away from sidewalks and cars! Well, something happened to it and it died…..was cut down and has been a memory for at least 8 or 9 years. But, I still get little trees sprouting up in my garden all the time. If I don’t pull them when they are little, they become quite large very fast. I had at least ten of those fairly large beginnings I had to dig up in that corner and their roots go very deep…..it was quite a workout yesterday.
I am reading…Stephen King’s Salem’s Lot again. It has been a long time since I read it last and while dusting the other day, pulled it out and decided to give it another read. I like to read books again after some time has passed…..always seem to catch something I missed the time before.
I am hoping…the breeze holds out so we can have an enjoyable day in the park today. It really is a beautiful area. I hope to take some photos while there today and will post them on my blog later this week.
I am hearing…the ticking of my many clocks and a CD of yoga music ~ but I’m not doing yoga while I type this! Just enjoying the music for now.
Around the house…is my supply area that desperately needs straightening up and plants that need watering.
Plans for the week include…making more soap, transplanting a few house plants and some spring cleaning in my room. I’m also planning on hopefully finishing the web pages this week. I have most of the new ones published……not how I originally planned to do it, but when I accidentally saved over an older page with a newer one and it got published……I thought I may as well publish all the new ones I had finished to date. You can check out the new pages at my website, www.magikalfolkcrafts.com. Let me know what you think!
One of my favorite things…running on a cool, crisp morning before the world wakes up. It is only you and the birds watching the sun come up……..nothing quite like it.
A picture I’d like to share with you…stairway to heaven!