Outside My Window

Outside My Window ~ 5.3.09


Outside My Window…is a rather gloomy looking morning.  Temps are at 63 degrees, cloudy with some fog lingering outside.  Our forecast today does not improve as the day goes on ~ chance of thunderstorms. 

I am thinking…about an old friend this morning, Shaun Sargent.  I received news last night that he has passed after suffering a heart attack and lapsing into a coma about a week ago. While I say he was an “old” friend, he was actually a few years younger than I am.  I met him in 1985 when I moved from Denver to Dallas.  Shaun was a longtime friend of my ex-husbands and opened his home to us after we moved to Dallas.  We moved out of his place shortly after our arrival but eventually got a much larger apartment when a turn of events led Shaun to move in with us for a time.  We became fast friends and had many good times together.  So many memories have come flooding back since I received the news.  He was funny and kind, a good and caring man…..and I’m glad to have had the pleasure of knowing him.

I am thankful for…Advil.  Yes, a rather odd thing to be thankful for, but I’m one aching pup this morning.  I finished another section of the flower beds which required me to haul around a few bags of white marble rock and some more mulch.  I also moved two extra large (and extremely heavy) bags of soil to my backyard.  I’m also thankful I finished that section before the rains came yesterday afternoon.

From the kitchen…I’m planning on making Shrimp Asparagus Risotto for dinner this evening.  I also received my new cookbook, Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day compliments of my daughter and her gift card at Barnes and Noble.  It also helps that I’m a member so I got it for even less.  I have read many good things about this book so I’m anxious to check out some of the recipes.  

I am creating…soap, soap and more soap. I have also created a Flickr site.  Flickr is a photo posting site.  I have uploaded about 10 photos so give the link a click and check out what I have on there so far…….check back often because I’m going to be uploading many more in the days and weeks to come.  I decided this may be the way to go to keep the blog from becoming too photo heavy.  I will continue to post photos on there, but I can put far more on Flickr.  Feel free to leave comments on both the blog and Flickr if you like……I always enjoy hearing from all of you!  🙂

I am going…to my grandfather’s family reunion today.  This reunion has been held the first Sunday in May since the dawn of time I think.  Actually, it has been held then as long as I can remember and that is quite a few years.  It is held in Shawboro, North Carolina…..a little one light town between the North Carolina border and the Outer Banks in North Carolina.  In fact, if you click the link for Shawboro and look at the map, the little road to the right, East Ridge Road, was the road my grandparents farm was on.  It wasn’t a massive ranch or farm, but it was a pretty good size.  I have been down East Ridge Road many times in a trailer pulled by a tractor my grandfather drove.  He didn’t own a car so all of his errands were done on a tractor.  When I was much younger, the grandchildren would pile into the trailer for a trip to the little store where they purchased their groceries.  A trip to the store meant candy (and maybe a comic book) for the kids…..not to mention the thrill of standing in that trailer for the ride to the store.  I mean, anyone could ride in a car, but who could say they got to ride on a tractor or a trailer pulled by one to the store.  My grandfather has been gone many years now, as are all of his 18 brother and sisters (yes you read that right, 19 kids total!  No wonder my great grandmother died fairly young!)…..but their children and grandchildren still attend the reunions.  Granted, they aren’t as large as they were when I was younger, but I still enjoy going and seeing cousins I generally don’t see but this one time a year.  The old farm is gone now, swallowed by the underbrush and trees in the area…..and the area around the farm has changed quite a bit, newer homes in the area mixed in with the rural decay of the older homes.  I’m also going to my aunt’s home after the reunion and hopefully get some more plants for my gardens.  She has the most amazing flowers and gardens……hopefully I can get some photos today to post on my blog and Flickr account later.

I am reading…my new bread book……..and still working on Salem’s Lot.

I am hoping…the weather holds out for the reunion.  It would be nice if the storms held off until later in the afternoon.

I am hearing…the weather channel…….and the ticking of my many clocks.  

Around the house…clutter….photos of my friend that I pulled out last night after I heard the news…..laundry……..I really should stay home today and tidy up, but that can wait.  I don’t see these folks that often so I will save this for another day. 

Plans for the week include…cleaning as mentioned above…and hopefully transplanting lots of new plants from my aunts house (she said with fingers crossed!). 

One of my favorite things…is looking through old photos and re-living the memories.  Fortunately, I took lots of photos when I was younger……I went a little spell where I didn’t take as many, but I’m back on track now. 

A picture I’d like to share with you…my friend Shaun.  You will be missed by many…….rest in peace.


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