Tuesday Morning Run
I walked outside this past Tuesday morning around 5:50…..I was working at home so I was able to “sleep in” a little bit longer. This sunrise is the site that greeted me as I stepped out my door. I’ll admit, not the most spectacular sunrise I have ever seen, but it reminded me of how many of these I have seen because I get up very early to run……..and how running has affected my life.
I started running “late” in life……..I was in my 40’s. One summer morning when my daughter’s were in Colorado visiting their father, I woke up and decided to go for a run on the beach. I didn’t run very far at all that day…….but I kept at it. I have never been a very competitive runner……I’m not very fast either. But it is something I have enjoyed from that first day.
Like this sunrise, I have seen a lot of things when running. Most of my runs happen when the morning is just thinking about waking up. I venture out into the dark while others are still dreaming. During my runs I have witnessed a satellite burning up in the earth’s atmosphere while falling to earth, the Persied meteor showers, many fallen stars, some amazing sights of the moon and an occasional critter here and there. The critters initially scare the be-jesus out of me thus enabling me to pick up my pace, so they are helpful in that way. The area I live in now has developed quite a bit so I don’t get the same view of the stars as I once did ~ the street and building lights have brightened the skies too much.
Running has helped my health……when I run regularly I feel better, I sleep better and I eat better. It is also helpful in maintaining a healthy body too. I have been fortunate that I haven’t experienced many running related injuries….knock on wood! When I have, it is difficult staying away from the activity that caused the problem. Runners are weird that way……the running caused the injury, but you can’t wait to get back out there and run some more.
The “runner’s high” that is spoke of and written about so much exists. There is nothing better than reaching your goal….big smile on your face and feeling the explosion of endorphins surge through your body. Nothing quite like it.
Running is my alone time, the time when I talk to myself, work things out that are bothering me. It is also theraputic when things beyond my control are happening in the world. I remember the morning after 9/11, I woke up after a restless night of sleep and I wanted to run. I ran a long run that morning, trying to make sense of the events I had witnessed the day before. Of course no one can possibly make sense of it……but running is my therapy. It calms me down when I’m angry or upset, it lifts my spirits when I’m tired or blue………it makes me happy.