Saturday Snapshots
I worked outside most of the day today…….pulling up lots of grass that suddenly appeared in the corner garden and tackling the front garden. I thought I would share some photos with you…….
This is the corner garden I triumphantly removed the stump from several weeks back. The jasmine plant I put here is doing well…..loving the new home. And the violets too. Bottom right corner you can see the sunflowers. Here is another shot……
These are the sunflowers I planted from the seeds I received from The Great Sunflower Project I had posted earlier. I hope some of you sent off for them and yours are growing too. And check out that beautiful, blue Virginia sky!
Here are my sunflowers……getting tall. To the right are Lily of the Valley I got from my Aunt when we went for the reunion the first of this month.
A bloom from my daisy gardenia plant……isn’t this the coolest looking bloom. I love the little starfish type thing in the center. The scent from this plant is amazing.
These are moon flowers………they bloom in the evening. According to the package, they look similar to a morning glory (I have some of those planted too!) and have a wonderful scent. I have never planted these before so I’m anxious to see what they look like.
When I went inside I took these two photos…….I always liked the light filtering in through the blinds in the morning…..
And this one of a bamboo plant…….
Hopefully your Saturday was a great one!