Gardens,  Life In General,  Miscellaneous

One Wedding and Sunflowers

Happy Saturday to you all!  If you want to see the best wedding march I have seen, check out this link….sorry, I haven’t quite figured out the embedding so you will have to click and leave me for a few minutes…..

So you’re back now…..wasn’t that a hoot!  😀

I also have some more sunflowers to show you……..yes, yes, I know you have seen them before ~ but not these😉

Feeding Time




Sunflower Bokeh


Zeroing In


Are you the one?


If you click on the image, you can see a larger size of it….or you can check out all my sunflowers at The Great Sunflower Project set I have set up on Flickr.  Click on the smaller images to see a larger view.  Hope you all have a wonderful day!

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  • Gina

    Our morning tv show had a short clip from this wedding march on just one hour ago. It was great to get to see the full version of it. The kids have been playing and replying it. They said they wish they had been invited to that wedding because it looked great fun!

    • Magikal Folk

      I was thinking the same thing as your children… looked like everyone was having a good time and enjoyed themselves! Can you imagine what the reception must have been like!! 🙂