Sunflowers ~ CoffeeShop Orton Style
I was trying out some different CoffeeShop Actions today during my lunch hour and came up with this……..
I took this photo this morning as the sun was cresting over the rooftops. The sunflowers were heavy with the rain from last night, and there were a few more new blooms. I created this effect using the CoffeeShop Orton action for PhotoShop Elements. I like the way it softens the image. The actions are very easy to use, and I like how Rita has designed it so you have the ability to adjust levels if you so desire. I’m having too much fun with these…. and so much more to explore.

One Comment
I love your blog and all your sunflower photos. Sunflowers are one of my favorites. I promise, not all my blog entries are down, it’s just that when accusations fly, it brings you down lol. These people don’t believe in the “times three” philosophy like we do, which is sad for them.
I think I will wander around your blog some more.
Penny \IiiI