Road Trip ~ Part II ~ The New Place
My parents ~ fondly known as Papa and Nina since the grandchildren came along ~ have lived in many places. My father’s work and family circumstances made the many moves necessary. The closest to me was Asheville, North Carolina….the furthest was Saudia Arabia. They have declared this their last move, they have found their dream home. It was built by a custom builder for him and his family. Although it may look quite large……it really isn’t. It is a spacious home….but not overly so. What makes this home so nice is the little amenities they put in that you wouldn’t normally find in a house of this size.
They had just moved in and gotten all the boxes out before we arrived. They still need to decorate, put up wall hangings and what not. These are some of the many photos I took around the house. One of my favorite places is the back porch…..fabulous……..
It runs almost the length of the house. What makes it extra special is there is a heating unit to warm you during chilly periods and ceiling fans to move the air when it is hot.
Doesn’t it look like a flower? These fans move the air quite nicely………but when they are on, they make the visitors to the porch a little leery about dining in…….
These little guys visit the feeder throughout the day. You have a view of the many white oaks that are on the property…..even with the sun filtering through first thing in the morning……
The home came with a ready made garden the previous owners had planted…..peppers, tomatoes, rosemary and eggplant…….
There were also some strange sites in the garden as well……
My step mother did some research on this guy and discovered it is a hookworm…..not something you want in your garden as they can be quite destructive. It seems the little white things hanging on to it are wasp eggs ~ laid by a non-stinging wasp. As best as I can remember from what she had sent me, if you remove the worm (ewwww, I would really have to pass on that chore), place it in a jar, the eggs will eventually kill it and your garden will be spared. The other odditiy we discovered when I moved one of the monster tomato bushes was this….
Yea, it’s a skull……what ~ doesn’t everyone have a garden skull?!? I thought it was an odd addition to the garden too. Maybe it helps keep the critters away?
The interior of the home is very nice…….the woodwork is beautiful, hardwood floors. An old style claw foot bathtub……but this one is updated, it has whirlpool jets built in……
And for the cook…….isn’t this stove wonderful! Many burners, a griddle and two stoves. You could cook a feast on this…..
I know I said there would be photos of the river park, but that will come another day as the hour is late now.

Gina Baynham
From the little glimpse the photos give I am surprised that you managed to leave and come home! It looks so calm and magical.
Magikal Folk
Yes Gina… was very calm and peaceful there….and very hard to leave!
Tracey of Nine Acres
*gasp* That is simply gorgeous. I can see why it is their dream home. Do they have any extra bedrooms for me to move in?
P.S. That worm is NASTY! I hope someone removed it!
Magikal Folk
Actually, my step-mother went out the next day to show one of my daughters the “worm” and it was gone…maybe the garden skull got it?!?!
I love their house sooo much. I hope they leave it to us or to me and billy as a wedding present someday in the future. That worm wasss soooo disgusting but interesting all at the same time. It’s weird to think that those white things on it are babies that will kill it. Maybe when i get my car you and me and billy can take a road trip up there again in Dec. or it can just be us girls