Outside My Window ~ 9.6.09
Outside My Window…is blue skies, temperature is 67F with 83% humidity at 8:00 a.m. The sun has just gotten up over the rooftops so it is pretty nice outside right now. We are forecasted to have a high of 86F with partly sunny skies today. For Labor Day, cloudy and showers….guess that means everyone will be heading home from the beaches sooner than they planned. We had a glimpse of fall this past week with temperatures hovering in the low 70’s during the day.
I am thinking…about how much I enjoy long, holiday weekends. It is perfect…..you get a long, three day weekend and then the following week, a short work week. Sweet
I am thankful for…the good news that has come from my good friends Doug and Carole. Their very young grandson was diagnosed with a quarter size tumor at the base of his brain in late August and was undergoing surgery. Going in, they were not sure what kind of tumor it was, or how close it was to his brain stem but the end result was an operable, non-aggressive, benign tumor. The last report I received was the little guy is improving daily but has a long road of rehab ahead of him. He has to re-learn many things, including eating, walking and talking. His mother is a young, single mom with little resources to fall back on so not only does she have her very young son in the hospital; she has other worries on her mind as well. Please remember Jeni and Talan in your thoughts as they continue on this long and difficult path.
From the kitchen…is freshly brewed French Vanilla coffee from The Fresh Market. I have several new recipes I would like to try this weekend, including one for Apple Brown Betty ~ which I will share with you another time.
I am creating…not so much at the moment. My little mini vacation from the web site is due to be over soon so back to work on that and my soap. I have decided to streamline the product line for the time being. I don’t want to be so overwhelmed that I have absolutely no free time for myself. One of my main goals is to get my Etsy shop up and running.
I am going…to spend most of the day today putting things in the attic and cleaning out my closet.
I am reading…a book of seven novels by H. G. Wells. When I took Cailin to Barnes and Nobel to pick up a book for her summer reading assignment, this one caught my eye on their bargain rack. It is a large, hardback that contains The Time Machine, The Island of Dr. Moreau, The Invisible Man, The War of the Worlds, The First Men in the Moon, The Food of the Gods, and In the Days of the Comet. Now, I love science fiction and have seen all of these novels as a movie, but I have never read the novel itself. I have just started reading it….it should occupy my time for quite a while.
I am hoping…that all my family and friends in the US are having a happy Labor Day weekend….and for those of you who do not live in the States ~ I hope you are having a happy weekend as well.
I am hearing…my Zen Garden CD of soft music combined with sounds of nature and wildlife….a blue jay outside…..the ticking of my many clocks.
Around the house…is too much clutter, too much laundry. *Sigh*
Plans for the week include…back to school on Tuesday. Yes, Cailin is so not looking forward to that. I think she doesn’t mind the going back to school, maybe even looking forward to it for the social parts…..but the work part, not so much.
One of my favorite things…is watching old home movies. Seeing people who are no longer in my life, seeing my daughters when they were babies…..seeing me at a much younger age. Don’t you wish you realized how fabulous you were way back when? What it is it they say about hindsight…
A picture I’d like to share with you…I love listening to the rain and witnessing how beautiful it can be afterwards. These were taken after a very early morning rain in South Carolina. Click on the image for a better view.

One Comment
Tracey of Nine Acres
Happy Labor Day weekend to you too! Pretty rain pics…somehow the rain always makes everything so vibrant!