Stuck In Traffic
Have you ever been cruising along the interstate….on your way home from work when suddenly you are there……..stuck in traffic. That happened to me this past Friday. As soon as I got on the interstate…..there they were up ahead…..the cursed red lights. It was going to be a long ride home……….
Traffic was barely moving at this point. Now, I could have gotten irritated and agitated. Instead I thought this could be a good thing. Have you ever been driving down the interstate and noticed something you wouldn’t mind taking a photo of? Get stuck in traffic and you can do just that.
I pass this overpass…..a pretty view. Onward I crept…..slower than slow, but inching closer to my target.
Within Newport News Park is a Reservior. At one point on the I64, you pass over the reservior. On this day, I got the photos I have wanted to take for a some time.
So, creeping and crawling down the interstate this day gave me the opportunity to take a couple of photos. It all worked out I guess you could say. What is it they say………when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. 🙂
Gina Baynham
I love your attitude!
I’m also jealous of how clean your car windscreen must be to get such clear shots. Mine would turn out all blurry from the grime. (I could try and make it sound dramatic by calling it bush fire ash but it really is just dirt!)
Brittany E.
Those are beautiful pictures! At least you did this safely, I’ve always done the take pictures while driving full speed move. LOL
Tracey of Nine Acres
Hehe! I usually do that all the time. Sometimes when I am not even stuck in traffic :0p