Morning Glories
Kate from A Picture a Day and Chronicles of a Country Girl has been experimenting with collages recently. She has inspired me to post one of my own……a small collection of my morning glories. I have taken these at various times. If you click on the image, you will get a larger view. Check out the flower in the upper left ~ I didn’t even notice the spider/cob web surrounding that flower until I began to process it. I wasn’t actually that close when I took the photo so I missed it during the actual shot. I thought it looked pretty cool.
Don’t you like it when you get unexpected surprises after taking a photo?

One Comment
Tracey of Nine Acres
Yes, I do like it when I discover something hidden. Well done. The collages are fun, are they not? Morning glories are beautiful. I had them at my old home, but have not planted any here. I must do that next spring!