Where are the details people!
As many of you know, I work for the College of William and Mary. We received a memo from our department head that said……
Due to recent events, we have discovered that not everyone may realize what constitutes violence at work. With that in mind, everyone will be required to attend a mandatory meeting on work place violence.
The memo then went on to detail times on a specific day that we could chose to attend.
But wait…..what is this “Due to recent events”? What events? Why didn’t I know about these events? Granted I’m a ‘bean counter’ and work in an office so I don’t get out and about like most of the department, but recent events? Did someone have a smackdown? A chick fight break out somewhere? How can you send out a memo and simply put “recent events”? I never did get a clear answer, and believe me…..I asked a lot. I’m kind of nosy that way.
So, off we go to the mandatory meeting. I don’t care for meetings….or training classes. They never give you comfortable chairs to nap in while the speakers drone on and on. But amazingly, I made it through this mind numbing event….I think I only nodded off a couple of times. The Human Resources speaker and Campus Police covered the obvious situations. I don’t think anyone was surprised to hear that if you threaten to beat your co-worker to a pulp or trash their desk, that is considered violence in the work place.
Then came question time…….this woman stood up to say that she was feeling threatened by the numerous telephone calls she had taken from several co-workers spouses about all the affairs that were going on in that area. And she said she had told these people, and they better quit fooling around or she was going to report them all.
Is it wrong the first thing that came to my mind was “them all….them all….details please”? I mean, like ‘recent events’…….you just don’t leave stuff like that hanging for those of us who have the “we need to know details” gene!

I feel your pain! I hate half a story.
This post remined me of an embarrassing moment last week. I phoned a friend and put on a very silly and loud voice, she was unusually polite and had no clue so I owned up. I cringed with embarrassment when she told me she was in the middle of a meeting, I’m sure everyone heard me. Oh well, like your meeting my call might have woken them up…
So, “them all” consider “I’m gonna tell my momma” “violence”? LOL. “Them all” got some ‘splaining to do!
I’d rather be blissfully ignorant than hear half a story. Like when someone says:
“Did you know… nah, nothing, forgot I said that”
I cant help but think the phone call situation is a strange one? Unless the callers thought the lady answering was the one starting all the affairs?
See now I’m intrigued too…? There must be a built in curiosity gene deep inside us all!