Outside My Window ~ 11.22.09
Outside My Window…is a beautiful morning. At 10:00 am, we are at 56F with 79% humidity, sunshine, blue skies with a few white fluffy clouds here and there. Very nice indeed. I was out and about early this morning to work in my side yard gathering up leaves and pulling some weeds. I finally got my daisy gardenia transplanted as well. I will miss it on my front porch. While it was in bloom, each time I walked in and out the door I was able to enjoy the wonderful aroma. It stated on the information tag that it was suited for pots, I’m thinking not so much. I’m hoping it does well in the flower bed outside my kitchen window.
I am thinking…how amazing it was there were still quite a few trees with their leaves left on after the storm we had on the 12th. While there are quite a few that are quite bare, there were a surprising amount that still had beautiful color.
I am thankful for…good neighbors. My neighbor has offered to clean out my gutters for me.
From the kitchen…is the last cup of coffee from the pot. I honestly don’t know what will follow. I have a desire for something warm and comforting….but I can’t put my finger on exactly what I would like.
I am creating…or should say continuing my work on my wicker chest. I hit a major snag with this. The cheap plastic lining was stapled in with the worlds best staples. These staples could be used to staple cracks in the world. The fault in California needs to be repaired with these staples. To say they have been difficult to get out is an understatement. I have resorted to tearing out the liner and hope when I replace it, the worlds best staples won’t be visible.
I am going…to continue getting the house ready to decorate for Christmas. I generally put up the tree and decorate the house the weekend after Thanksgiving. I had a wonderful idea this weekend that perhaps it would all go easier if I didn’t have to do so much house cleaning prior to setting up everything. And it has been contagious, Cailin has been busy in her room as well.
I am reading…nothing right at the moment. The mood is not there.
I am hoping…to get my list of things to do today complete. Not very long, but it always seems that something gets derailed for one thing or another.
I am hearing…my neighbor vacuuming his car….hmmm, wonder if he would do mine while he is at it? ……..the ticking of my many clocks…..my wind chimes singing outside.
Around the house…cleaning house ~ one room down, four to go……laundry……a few more plants to water…..and transplant one plant that has grown leaps and bounds this year.
Plans for the week include…work for two days, off the rest of the week! Thanksgiving dinner at my mother’s house Thursday afternoon and taking Alanna to work on Black Friday at 4:45 am! Yes….you read that right, AM as in morning….dark o’clock….way too freaking eary to be getting up on a day off!! Groan! I don’t go shopping on black Friday….ever. I had told Alanna that I was hoping she would start early so I could avoid some of the traffic…..I guess this is a perfect example of be careful what you wish for.
One of my favorite things…is Thanksgiving dinner. Granted, it is just a meal, but there is something about the aroma of the turkey, eating all the fixing’s and family reminiscing about “remember when” that make it one of the best meals of the year.
A picture I’d like to share with you…is a piece I have been working on this week……..An Unusual Night……

Black Friday shoppers are insane…I’m just saying :).
We are going to get our tree on Friday or Saturday. I am not ready for Christmas, not so much the shopping aspect, but the “Holy crow, 2009 is *over*!” aspect lol.
Be safe out there and have a blessed Thanksgiving!
Magikal Folk
That is the exact reason I NEVER shop on Black Friday….the insanity of it all!! My daughter is a little afraid of working that morning from all the horror stories others have told her. I’m with you…..I can’t believe 2009 is almost gone!!
Sunshine and blue skies indeed, I’m green with envy straight away.
You are blessed if you have good neighbours, I do too but they’ve never offered to clear my gutters!
I honestly never realised that Christmas was so near, I have no clue about what gifts to get for everyone but I know I’ll be buying them online, I just can’t face crowds.
How plucky are you driving around at that time of the morning, Alanna’s got a super mum!
Love the photo Debbie, very dark and atmospheric – what lurks at the base of that tree just under cover of darkness….;)
Magikal Folk
Jennifer…….our blue skies have been a memory since Monday morning. We have had nothing but gray and drizzle since thanks to another system off the coast. Fortunately this one is not even a tenth of the last one we had…..more of a nuisance.
Christmas has snuck up on us…..it seems as if this year has just flown by!