I Can’t Be 55!
Yesterday was my birthday. I was a first born child and a Christmas baby. My mother always made sure my birthday was recognized on one of the largest gift giving days of the year. I had Christmas presents and birthday presents under our tree, and I had a birthday cake after Christmas dinner.
The first thing that went through my sleepy mind after I opened my eyes yesterday was “I can’t be 55”. Yesterday was a day I had been both dreading and looking forward to. How can you dread Christmas Day? Turning 55 on the same day, some weird emotions happening inside.
I can’t be 55 because ~ I still feel like that little girl, playing outside with her friends.
I can’t be 55 because ~ I still feel like that teen girl dreaming of how my life will be when I grow up.
I can’t be 55 because ~ I still feel like that young woman who just graduated high school and is out on her own for the first time.
I can’t be 55 because ~ I still feel like that young mother, holding my babies and singing them songs as I rock them to sleep.
But I think of the things I have seen in my lifetime…….and I must be 55. I have witnessed and/or experienced so many events ~ segregation…integration…the assassinations of President Kennedy, his brother Robert, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr…the creation of the Berlin Wall…the German citizens tearing down the Berlin Wall…man walking on the moon…Flower Power…Go Go Boots…Summer of Love 1969…Hippies (of which I was a proud member )…Cuban Missile Crisis…President Nixon and the Watergate Scandal…the Iran hostage crisis…Vietnam War…the unraveling of the U.S.S.R into separate republics…Gulf War…war in Afghanistan and Iraq…the invasion of Kuwait…September 11th, 2001…Beatle-mania…rock and roll…Disco…punk rock…rap music…creation of personal computers…color television…cable television…the Internet…to name a few.
Along with all those important events, I have also personally experienced some important events of my own….the deaths of loved ones…the divorce of my parents and my own divorce… and the births of my two daughters.
I can’t be 55 because my mind tells me it isn’t so. I’m still a young and carefree woman of 18…21…30…35…40…45!! But dates (and mirrors) don’t lie, and I am 55. I have witnessed some amazing things in my lifetime. There are good things with being this age too……I can get discounts all over now! And there is something to be said about the wisdom you gain over the years. There is a lot more I don’t put up with, there is a lot more I don’t worry about and there is a lot more understanding in my heart. But with the good, there comes the bad……I don’t have my whole life in front of me any longer. I’m not dead yet, but I do realize there are limitations as to what I can do. I sometimes envy the younger women of today……you have so many opportunities to shine! And don’t ever let anyone tell you that you can’t! If I could offer a little advice to all young women it would be deep, calming breaths do wonders in moments of crisis and unrest…..relax and enjoy your life. Don’t sweat the small stuff ~ or as my mother once said to me ~ “don’t let the elephants stomp you to death while you are worrying about the ants”.

Happy Belated Birthday Debbie!
How lovely to watch you grow up in your photos. To see the baby become the adult and yet see similarities!
It must be a challenge to have a birthday at Christmas. I’m glad your mum made an effort as you grew up to celebrate your birthday too.
I know what you mean about knowing you don’t have your whole life ahead of you any more. Would any of us want to know when we reach our half way mark? In theory you may have more years in you than I do even though I am a bit younger. I feel inspired by reading your blog. You have have adapted to new technology. Who would have thought when you were raising your little girls that you would someday be connecting with other women all over the world and sharing ideas and feelings with them? You have an open spirit and because of that you will always be young at heart!
Keep it up….
Magikal Folk
Thank you Gina! You are so right, one never knows when time is up ~ no matter what the age. Thank you for the kind and encouraging words…..I hope whatever my age, I always feel young at heart!
Brittany E.
Happy Belated Birthday! I do think it would be fun to be a Christmas baby, and lucky you still got to celebrate them separately. I love the fourth picture, it is so beautiful!