The Cards
The Cards….some say they tell all….past, present, future.
If you had the chance, would you want to know? Your future? Would you want to know how your life was to unfold….what…..when……how? Imagine …. with this knowledge you could change the course of your destiny, insure happiness for all your loved ones.
Or are you a whatever will be, will be individual?

Tracey of These Nine Acres
I would love to know the outcome of certain things, but not all things. If I could pick and choose, I would be tempted to gaze into the crystal ball…
Totally depends on the day. Tell me the future, then let me help it unfold as it will…how does that sound?
Magikal Folk
Agreed….knowing the outcome of certain things may be a benefit….but there are other things I would prefer not to know. I kind of like surprises myself ~ even though all of them aren’t what I would like them to be.