Run Run Running
Some of you may or may not know this, but I’m a runner. I’m a morning runner…….I get up bright and early, especially on the days I work, and run. Rain or shine, cold or hot, I run….and I love it. I didn’t start until I was 43, but I was immediately hooked. There is nothing like it.
Sadly, I haven’t been able to run lately. My foot is giving me problems again. Weird thing is, it doesn’t bother me when I run ~ it is walking on it afterwards I have to worry about. So I have been giving it a break lately…..let it rest and heal.
I suffer from Plantar Fasciitis. Here is what Google Health has to say about it:
Plantar fasciitis is irritation and swelling of the thick tissue on the bottom of the foot. The plantar fascia is a very thick band of tissue that holds up the bones on the bottom of the foot. This fascia can become inflamed and painful in some people, making walking more difficult.
The most common complaint is pain in the bottom of the heel. It is usually worst in the morning and may improve throughout the day. By the end of the day the pain may be replaced by a dull aching that improves with rest. Most people complain of increased heel pain after walking for a long period of time.
The last sentence…..that’s me. When I go to the mall with my youngest daughter, who must always travel from one end to the other several times in one visit, I get the pain. But I can run three miles and I don’t have the pain until later, when the band tightens up again. Stretching the band improves it… well as having good flexibility around the ankles, particularly the Achilles tendon and calf muscles. That and a good set of inserts for my shoes.
The photo is one I took one Saturday morning after my long run. I had taken my shoes and socks off at the door and tossed my watch on top of the pile as I headed for the shower. When I came out, I took the photo. I thought it was a decent photo….this is a SOOC shot….so I posted it on my Flickr account.
Now remember earlier I mentioned that I can’t run right now, I have been missing it terribly. So when I signed on to Flickr the other day and noticed that someone had tagged it as a Favorite, I was thrilled. Maybe this was another runner? And they liked my photo? I like it when other people like my photographs so I always get excited when someone comments or tags my photos. And I generally will look at their photos and check out their profile ~ find out a little bit about the person behind the photos if possible. Flickr also has “groups” available for you to join…..for instance, I belong to CoffeeShop Free Actions Group. What this means is any photo I take and apply her actions to, I can add to this group. So, I’m looking at the individual that tagged this photo as a favorite ~ OK, different photos, but I don’t judge what others like to photograph so I move on to the profile and notice the groups… of the groups is “Men Who Love To Wear Women’s Sneakers”. Hmmmmmmm…so does this mean he wants to wear my sneakers?

I don’t mean to sound stupid, but was is an SOOC shot?
Magikal Folk
Don’t ya know Penny, there are no stupid questions.
SOOC is Straight Out Of Camera…..means there was no processing done on the photo.
Tracey of These Nine Acres
Are you serious…men who love to wear women’s sneakers. OMG. I am on flickr too and need to add you as a contact. My name is TheseNineAcres ;0) xoxo
P.S. I hate running and I have a similar issue with my feet. That photo would sell well on a stock photography site.
Magikal Folk
Thanks Tracey…..maybe the stock photo idea is something I should follow up on.
What a pity about your running Debbie, I feel for you, it’s now 3 weeks since I’ve been able to go walking because of the weather. Scotland being full of narrow roads, isolated roads and snowbound roads means we can’t venture out until it all melts. Take care of that foot!