Outside My Window ~ 1.17.10
Outside My Window…is gray skies and pouring rain. Currently at 11:00 am, we are at 50ºF with winds at 29 mph. The forecast for today is a high of 58ºF with heavy rain. These temps and the rain should take away any remaining snow we had in the area from over a week ago. Yes, there was some lingering snow…particularly in well shaded areas. When I was driving down the Parkway last week, I noticed there was some snow on the beaches closer to the grassy areas as well. I was surprised to drive by a small pond and see it partially frozen with snow on top of the ice. Again, these are areas that don’t get much sunshine through out the day, and our temperatures had stayed below freezing at night,but they had improved and warmed up to the upper 40’s and low 50’s during the day so a little surprising to still see snow.
I am thinking…that I’m hearing a drip in the ceiling in the same area I experienced a problem during Nor’Ida this past November, and that can’t be a good thing. I suppose I will have to make a trip to the attic to see if I can verify this.
I am thankful for…the art of steering a vehicle finally clicked with Cailin yesterday. I took her out driving on actual roads yesterday (so far we have only practiced in empty parking lots) and was a bit worried about how my vehicle would come out of this practice drive. She surprised me and did wonderfully. I’m not saying she is ready to take on rush hour traffic, but I saw real progress on her fourteen mile drive down the Parkway yesterday.
From the kitchen…my usual Cinnamon Hazelnut coffee at the moment. Later today….Cailin has requested chicken. After that…..not really thought about it that much today.
I am creating…or I should say I am working on processing some of my photos. I have quite a few to go through to catch up…..and I still need to put them on my Flickr account. I know if I quit taking them for a while I could catch up, but where is the fun in that?
I am going…to take a trip up into the attic to check out the possible drip. This will require moving a good deal of stored items so I can do a tightrope walk on a narrow wooden board over to the area I need to investigate. What I will do from that point, I don’t know.
I am reading…my PSE7 book. I don’t know if you would categorize that as reading……it is more like a workbook. I have learned tons of new things I can do with my program since I received this book for Christmas. And there is still much more to experiment with!
I am hoping…that I don’t discover a serious problem in the attic with the roof drip. If my suspicions are confirmed, it looks as if I may need to have the roof checked out. Ouch……I don’t look forward to that!!
I am hearing…the ticking of my many clocks…….birds singing outside ~ must be celebrating the fact that the rain seems to have stopped for now……and that annoying drip on the ceiling!! Is it weird every time I hear the drip it sounds like a cash register ringing up expenses?
Around the house…clutter to gather up and put back in its place….laundry to finish….old photos to scan…..drips to investigate.
Plans for the week include…I haven’t even thought that far ahead to tell the truth. I’m sure there will be more outings with Cailin for driving practice, but other than that….a pretty clean slate at the moment.
One of my favorite things…a roof that doesn’t drip. Hmmm, does it appear I have something on my mind today? Seriously…..one of my favorite things is believe it or not, riding with and teaching my daughters to drive. Yes, it is a hair raising experience………yes, I can feel my hair actually turning gray each and every time they get behind the wheel with me in the car….and yes, I do worry about their safety as well as the safety of my Jeep ~ but the look on their faces….that smile from ear to ear, the concentration as they take that big girl step……..watching them grow ~ there is nothing like it in this whole wide world!
A picture I’d like to share with you…a few to share actually. I changed my Outside My Window photo to one I took many years ago in Winter Park, Colorado with my old SLR. And I wrote about the Coleman Bridge in this post. This past Friday, I was in that area during sunset and was able to capture a few shots. And yes, if you are all wondering…….I do have a “thing” with sunrises and sunsets…..so much beauty, they make me happy.

Tracey of These Nine Acres
So pretty. Unfortunately, I am usually not awake or prepared for sunrises or sunsets :0(
Tracey of These Nine Acres
P.S. Good luck with the leak. I hope it is nothing serious.
Your life seems to be trucking along nicely Debbie, long may it continue. Those shots are fantastic, you have loads of reasons to be very proud of yourself.