Are you tired of the bird shots yet? I have a couple of more practice shots I took Tuesday afternoon…..again with the 55 -250 lens….

Again, through the sliding glass door ~ it is a little too chilly to sit outside quietly and wait for them to come….but I can’t wait for Spring and Summer!! 
We’re off to buy more seed today, birdwatching gives you so much pleasure. No exotic looking birds in our garden but we do have a great range of British birds. I love to watch their behaviour and their territorial displays…:)
Magikal Folk
I too love watching the territorial displays ~ but it can be upsetting if I see some bullying others…..perhaps that is the mother in me!
I have had a few days when very little bird activity occurs and have discovered we have a very large hawk lurking about. When he (or she, not sure which) is around, very little activity in the little critter world. I’m sure they are all hiding. I tried to get a photo one late afternoon but he (or she) was sitting in the setting sun so all I could manage was a silhouette.