I Miss Flowers
This flower image is one I took with my point and shoot last May. It is from my aunt’s amazing garden at her home in North Carolina. It is much larger than my outstretched hand ~ and I have big hands! I took some photos Wednesday afternoon with my new camera and wasn’t happy with any of the shots. As I was trying to decide what I wanted to post, I ran across this image and couldn’t help but think….I miss flowers. I’m really looking forward to spring.

I know what you mean. I so want to see my Lillies of the Valley come up, and smell the jasmine that grows next to my house. I miss color. All this white and bare branch brown is killing me :(.
My husband is already filling the garden shed with bulbs to plant when the snow clears. Just now we are going to bed in dry weather and waking to a covering of snow, goodness knows when the planting will come around. That gorgeous photo does remind us that we’re dying for spring.
We can’t grow such beauties outside here, our plants have to withstand wet and windy weather.
Do you sell your photo’s online Debbie? I hope you do.
Magikal Folk
Jennifer….I’m toying with the idea of offering selected prints online. I haven’t really decided for certain though.
My aunt has the most amazing garden ~ she is someone with the greenest of thumbs!
I usually visit her home around the beginning of May with everything in bloom. She is very generous as well and always offers me some type of cutting. Last year she gave me a cutting from a plant that was originally from my grandmother’s garden. I was thrilled when it grew without issues last summer…and it does come back each year so I’m hopeful it will this year. I was beginning to wonder myself when I would be able to get into my gardens….the ground is so saturated it is nothing but mud right now.