Deception = misrepresentation: a misleading falsehood
I discovered today that someone I was very close to….a friend for many, many years….had been misleading me about several things this past year or more. An individual I trusted without hesitation….someone I thought was one of the most sincerest of people, honest through and through. I would have never, ever expected this person to lie to me….to mislead me. They were my confidant…my rock.
As a result of this deception, I have spoken and thought badly of another individual…someone who was undeserving I’m sure.
My friend revealed this deception in an email today…..said we can no longer communicate…goodbye….good luck….the end.
An almost 30 year friendship….over.
Deception revealed……trust destroyed.
All this…..delivered in an email.
It has hurt me to my core.
I wonder if the other person knows how badly they were betrayed as well.

I am so sorry to hear of this happening :(. It will take a while for the pain to fade, but it *will* fade. These types of situations definitely help you take stock of the true friends you have and to really appreciate who they are and what they mean in your life. Don’t let this person and their deception jade you or destroy your faith in your friends. We aren’t all that way. Just a “special” few. You are loved very much!
Magikal Folk
Thanks Penny….I really appreciate that!
What bothers me the most ~ the lies weren’t even necessary. This person was my dearest friend….I would have understood. They knew better than anyone in the whole wide world how important honesty is to me….I’m still so floored by the whole thing.
You must feel so let down. Understandably so. It seems crazy to see anyone weave a web of mistruths and you wonder where did it begin? What was the first “not quite true” thing that friend said?and why? I wonder if they could see where the path of lies would take them would they want a second chance to speak and act differently?
I’m sorry for you that you are going through this. I hope you know how well you are thought of by the lovely people who comment here on your blog, me included. I hope you have some friends close to you to distract you and get you past the hurt you are feeling now.
Magikal Folk
Thank you Gina… you said, I can’t help but think what else was a lie…..and why? The manner in which the information was delivered was so cold and uncaring….there were no words of regret. I think that is what bothers me the most! I appreciate your kind words…..and along with my wonderful blog friends, I do have friends that are here for me to talk this through.
Tracey of These Nine Acres
This happened to me a long time ago when I first became a stay at home mother. This person and I went through marriages and births together. I watched her only baby while she worked and I thought of this little one as one of my own. As a matter of fact, we were the baby’s Godparents. Then one day, Poof! She was angry that I had limits on the number of days a week I could watch her daughter and after a 20 year friendship she told me I would never see her or my Goddaughter again.
I was sick.
Then I got a certified letter in the mail from her telling me what a despicable, horrible person and mother I was. It was like pouring alcohol on open wounds.
It took me years to heal from it.
Then, about 3 years ago she called me on the telephone. Her sister had just passed away and she was reflecting on her own life and felt regret for what she had done.
I forgave her (had forgiven her long ago which is how I was able to move on) and we are friendly still today, although our relationship has and never will be the same again.
I am sorry you feel this pain but walk through it, forgive, and you will heal in time.
Magikal Folk
Thank you for sharing that with me Tracey. I’m working on the forgiving part…..I don’t like to carry a grudge so I know I have to forgive…for my sake. It is such a hard pill to swallow right now but I know it will get better.
Those are the times when you wish you could crawl into someone’s head and try to figure out how they think…or maybe not :). Spring is coming, and with that comes renewal. It will get better <3.
Magikal Folk
I’m so looking forward to spring and renewal… far I’m not real impressed with 2010.
Brittany E.
I have been deeply betrayed by friends in the past too, and sometimes I think few things can hurt worse. Hope you get to feeling better soon!
Magikal Folk
Thanks Brittany….I appreciate that.
{{{Debbie}}} I’ve had this happen to me too. I still hurt from it. Just remember when one door closes, another one opens ! This is so true. (IN fact I’m going through some weird things right now with friends I thought were friends)
They must not have been the good friend you thought in the first place. You will get through it.
If you ever need to talk, please email me, sometimes it helps to get another perspective.
Magikal Folk
Sandy….I’m so sorry to hear you are having problems as well. It is frightening how some people view friendships as so easily disposable.