Little House
I took a walk around Colonial Williamsburg yesterday during my lunch hour….trying to come to grips with the email I had received. I brought my camera with me and took a few photos while I was out. Colonial Williamsburg has many of these restored homes through out the area…..some are guest houses, some are private residences. The residences are posted as private but I wonder how often a tourist tries to get in to have a look see. I have seen some try before…jiggling the door knobs or knocking.
I really like these little houses. I often thought it would be really cool to live in one….except there are a lot of restrictions. For instance, you couldn’t have a bar-b-que grill and picnic table in your backyard….or a swing set for your children. The restrictions keep the area looking authentic…just like way back when. I think I would miss my grill.

Hi Debbie,
I love the picture. I have never been to Colonial Williamsburg and hope to some day visit there. It would be wonderful to see and feel the history.
I also love old homes. I come New England, born and raised in Portsmouth, New Hampshire on the seacoast. There are many old homes there also. It would be nice to live in one of those houses and image the lives of those who dwelled there. But I am with you, I wouldn’t like the restrictions.
I am sorry about the email you received yesterday. I hope you are feeling a little better today. I understand how hard it is to be hurt by a friend.
Magikal Folk
Colonial Williamsburg is a lovely place Liz……..I love to walk the streets during my lunch hour. One of the benefits of working at the College!
I would love to visit New Hampshire….I once knew someone that lived there and never got the opportunity to visit while they were there. One day I will….l’m very hopeful. 
I am feeling better today….and I know I will each day hereafter. Thank you for you well wishes.
Tracey of These Nine Acres
I think I would too but they sure are pretty to look at!
Thinking of you.
Magikal Folk
Thank you Gina….I appreciate it.
Brittany E.
I’ve always, always wanted to visit there, I’m absolutely obsessed with history. I used to really want to live in a historic house, and I know all the restrictions being from the South. But it still seems worth it to me. Hope you get to feeling better soon.
Magikal Folk
Oh well….history obsessed ~ we are oozing with it in this area. You could spend days and days and day visiting everyting in the historic triangle ~ Williamsburg, Yorktown and Jamestown. And they even have a ferry you can take from Jamestown, across the James River over to Surry, which is also loaded with history. But the cool thing about the ferry ~ when you are coming back to Jamestown from Surry, you are getting a view much like the early settlers got when they first arrived in Jamestown. As soon as the weather improves, me and my camera are going ferry riding!