During my walk through Colonial Williamsburg on Tuesday, I came upon this guy. I was actually taking some photographs a little way down the street from him. It seemed as soon as he saw me, he began to mooooooo again and again…..or is it considered mooing if it is a bull? Anyway, on and on he went until I crossed the street and walked up closer. Then he stopped….I almost got the impression he wanted me to pet him.
I know these animals are exposed to a lot of people on a daily basis. There are tourists here year round…..but I wasn’t so comfortable with the idea of getting my hand near him. He seemed a bit indignant….and told me so.

If human men can whine like little girls to get attention, why not a bull lol??
Magikal Folk
I think he definitely wanted some attention Penny….he wouldn’t shut up until I walked over there.
oh that’s funny ! I wouldn’t have petted him either, as I kind of like the use of my hands *LOL*
great pictures of him ! he’s really beautiful !
Magikal Folk
Thanks Sandy….I had the same thought about my hands too!
Were you using a zoom lens? You looked a bit close for comfort to me. I hope you weren’t wearing a red coat….!
Tracey of Nine Acres
Why, hello there big fella.
I think it is still considered mooing.
He is a cutie!
Did you name him?
Magikal Folk
Actually, I never really thought about naming him….perhaps I will go back and visit…see if any seem to fit.
Magikal Folk
Gina, I was using my 18-55mm lens….I was fairly close though. No red coat though, he may not have been as friendly if I had been!