Photos & Little Letters
Dear People Who Text While You Drive,
Are you kidding me? If you are that anxious to wreck your car, there are plenty of walls you could run in to and it wouldn’t damage any other cars in the process.
Dear Spam Commenter,
While I’m happy you think my post on a local park “sounded delicious”, or you must “disagree with my political views” when I post a recipe…I’m still not going to approve your comment and help you sell your wares.
Dear Townhouse Landscapers,
I really wish you wouldn’t blow all the debris from the parking lot into the flower beds I spent hours cleaning or all over our vehicles. It is really, really annoying. By the way, what ever happened to brooms?
Dear Raccoons,
You are creeping me out. I do not want you in my backyard ever again. Go away….go far, far away!
Dear Spring,
I can’t wait to dance the dance of celebration and welcome you back.
Dear Daughters,
You two are the sunshine in my day! I’m so happy and proud to be your mom.

Spam commentor sounds like real weenier…I mean, winner lol.
People who text and drive tick me off just as much as those who read magazines and books while driving. Like they never heard of “books on tape” before lol?
Thank you for your kind words and for putting up with my whiny self. I understand crazy weeks :). I will be stalking my mailbox next week!
Penny \IiiI
Dear Debbie,
You are witty and a wonderful photographer. Please don’t ever lose your sense of humour!