Think About It ~ Please.
The images above are my sweet baby girls. I was very, very fortunate…save for a couple of ear infections and minor colds, my daughters were incredibly healthy.
On that note…..I like to visit several photography blogs….a great place to get tips and ideas. One day I found Pics and Kicks, the blog for Hawaii Wedding and Family Photographer Natalie Norton. Natalie also contributes articles to Digital Photography School on the web. Unfortunately, I discovered Natalie’s site during a time of great despair for her and her family. Her three month old baby boy was fighting for his life in the hospital. He had been diagnosed with pertussis ~ better known as whooping cough. He contracted this highly contagious disease during their Christmas vacation in Utah. Sadly, the disease was too much and baby Gavin did not survive. It was heartbreaking.
I have continued to visit Natalie….reading her chronicles of life after this horrible nightmare. One thing about this amazing woman….she has the strongest belief of anyone I have known in a long time….and this belief has supported her through a period many people would find impossible to deal with.
I bring all this up because her post yesterday featured the video shown below. I must caution you….while this video has no disturbing images, it is terrifying to listen to. As I watched and listened, I couldn’t imagine what Natalie and her family must have went through. Pertussis is on the rise once again. Please take a moment to watch….(it takes a few minutes to start)…..
……think about it ~ please.

You so rarely hear of deaths from Whooping cough nowadays and I think that is why people don’t seem to feel the need to be so up to date with immunisations. It seems from talking to my friends that people are more concerned about the small trace elements of preservatives and make up of the actual vaccine and the possibilities that they may cause a problem without considering the benefits of the vaccine itself. My daughter just got the vaccine to protect against cervical cancer. What a wonderful choice to have that was not even invented when I was her age. And yet some of her friends parents refused to let them have it. I hope that no-one who has opted out of vaccination programs finds themselves regretting their decision in the future…
Magikal Folk
Agreed….hopefully being concerned with one thing doesn’t lead them to regret the end result. I have seen several articles regarding pertussis and the fact that it is coming back at an alarming rate, especially among children.
That is such a tragedy to have the whooping cough take the lives of little innocent babies and to suffer with that cough is horrendous. Oh, how terrible, but still thank you for the information! I would have never known otherwise.
I went all the way back and read all of your beautiful posts from the last time I was here. I can’t believe it’s been that long. But what beautiful stories and beautiful pictures you posted. I’m so glad you enjoyed your vacation and your family doesn’t live that far away. Your Dad sounds like a wonderful man. I lost my Dad back in 2000, a very sad time for me and I miss him so very much. One day he was here and healthy, the next day he was gone as he died in his sleep at only 69.
I love the pictures of the eagles and the creeks. Creeks have always been something that always touches my heart. I’ve been to Lancaster, that’s where the little school house picture was taken on my blog. Sorry it was such a mess and under construction. I understand about the pollen here. All the cars get covered with a fine yellow dust and is quite noticeable. Thankfully I am NOT allergic. How that happened I will never know, because normally I’m allergic to everything.
I’ve been on a cleaning and organizing frenzy myself up until my back went out on me. Now I will have to discipline myself and get back to it.
Hope you have a wonderful day! I love your azalea’s! They are so beautiful.
Magikal Folk
Thanks Sandy…the vacation was glorious! Very low key, but I like it that way sometimes. My dad is pretty special ~ it was so nice to sit and talk with both of them during our visit. I have been home a week and I really miss them….can’t wait to go back.
I noticed your little school house photo on the blog and would have loved to found it….but after the disappointment of the construction and the hour was getting late, we decided to head back home and visit an old bookstore near their home instead.
It’s interesting because I had no clue that whooping cough was even still around in our country now a days! I’d have to be that the majority of people are just like me, and in the dark. Really opened my eyes.
Magikal Folk
Whooping cough was almost a thing of the past Brittany. Unfortunately, as Gina has commented….people don’t feel the need to immunize as they once did.