It’s That Time Again
If you have been visiting here for a while, you may remember I participated in The Great Sunflower Project last year. In case you haven’t, the idea behind this project is by San Francisco State University is to gather data on urban, rural and suburban bee populations. To participate, plant a certain type of sunflower plant and count the bees that visit during a specific amount of time. I know…..yawn ~ how exciting. But actually, it isn’t so bad. Take a cold beverage and sit outside while you view and count ~ I can think of worse way to spend a day.
Because of increased participation, they have asked that you purchase your seeds this year at a local store or nursery. Or for a donation of $3.00, you can order them through the project web site. I purchased my seeds at Lowe’s this year.
They request that you use the Lemon Queen sunflower seeds although I did notice they are allowing bee balm, purple cone flower, cosmos, rosemary and tick seed.
The purpose of selecting only one type of sunflower is everyone will be using the same kind of flower to collect data on. They also encourage photos ~ I did post a few last year.
I also grew Morning Glory’s last year…….
I’m going to grow more this year too….planting them a little differently so they will hopefully do better this year….
And moon flowers…..they bloom at night…..
Here is something a little different…..
Seeds will be going into the ground soon…..another summer filled with flowers and photos…..with a new camera. Sweet.

The Vamp Tramp
If you need someone to help you sit out in the sun and count bees, let me know. ‘Cause that sounds like a divine way to spend a day. (Wait, do the bees get close to you? I’m kinda sorta terrified of insects.)
Magikal Folk
That is why a zoom lens is great. But if they do get too close….you do the “bumbly bee don’t sting me” song as you run away.
I think that I first came upon your blog when you were showing photos of your sunflowers! I can’t believe it has been a year. Looking forward to seeing this years photos…
Magikal Folk
I’m thinking the plants could be better this year. Last year, there was a large tree that was blocking the morning sun when I first planted them. The neighbor then took down the tree after they were about four feet tall. Once that tree was gone, they went nuts! I’m actually excited to take photos this year with the new camera….hopefully they will be better than last.
I have never heard of a moon flower, but they are so pretty! About the camera, I worry about someone running off with my camera too! I just thought I was neurotic. But the people who took our photo had approached us to take their photo first, so I figured it was safe. So I usually just do an exchange like that.
Magikal Folk
Yes….probably safe when you do an exchange like that.
Tracey of These Nine Acres
So pretty! I love sunflowers. At one time my whole kitchen was decorated with the likes of them ;0)