Outside My Window ~ 4.18.10
Outside My Window…is the ending to a marvelous day today. The temperature was mild….a nice breeze with blue skies and sunshine. We had rain showers yesterday morning but it cleared up nicely by the afternoon, which carried over into today. I spent a large part of the afternoon working in the backyard….weeding and planting a few new flowers. The tomato plants I picked up last weekend are doing really well ~ one of the reasons I love summer….fresh veggies are so plentiful!
I am thinking…how incredibly fast the time goes by during the weekends. The work days seem to drag on forever ~ even when I’m swamped with work. I get home, and the clock just spins by. The weather has been so wonderful in the morning, I think I will switch back to posting this in the mornings while I sit outside.
I am thankful for…this amazing weather we have been experiencing this past week. The heat has been replaced with cooler weather. We still have quite a bit of pollen to contend with, but that will be a norm around here for a little while longer.
From the kitchen… was grilled chicken which was used to make a chicken Caesar salad for dinner. Very tasty!
I am going…to finish posting my photos on Flickr hopefully this week. I got quite a bit accomplished on that yesterday afternoon. I’m all the way up to February of this year. Woo Hoo!
I am hoping…that being on my foot all day doesn’t come back to haunt me in the form of pain. This has by far been the longest it has bothered me….perhaps I’m not babying it enough, even though it feels like I have been.
I am hearing…the microwave heating a snack up for my oldest daughter…..the ticking of my many clocks……my bed calling to me.
Around the house…is pretty tidy for the most part. Considering I spent most of the day on the computer yesterday and in the backyard today…..I’m actually a little surprised it is as tidy as it is.
Plans for the week include…catching up the photos on the Flickr account……pulling out the sewing machine and creating something with it…..and whatever else I get time for.
One of my favorite things…is laughing with my kids. Whether it is over a funny movie, television show or something we did…..laughing together is great medicine.
A picture I’d like to share with you…this is the new electric truck at the College. The first on campus……my department is going green and will more than likely be putting this image on the department web site. The individual that drives it says it is fine….different but fine. You know what I think….every time the guy pulls up and parks outside our office, I keep expecting all these clowns to come piling out of it.