A Day To Rest
I stayed home today….I awoke with a thundering migraine this morning. Thankfully, I rarely get headaches….but when I get one ~ it generally knocks me out for a few hours until it goes away. After I woke up and was feeling better, I played around on the computer a little bit ~ working again on the tutorial I discovered. Oh, and the name of the individual the effect is named after came to me last night. Hmmmm, maybe that is why I got the headache ~ straining my brains too much to think of the name. The tutorial is called the “Dave Hill Effect”…….and if you want to check out some of his actual photos, visit here. Amazing!
Here is a couple of photos I was working on with this effect……practice photos if you will…….I still have a lot to learn…..
This was an image taken with my old camera….I was looking for a landscape image I could play around with. This next one I took this evening at my mother’s in her front yard.
I used this yesterday on my daughter’s photo, but I really want to try this on more “people”….different types of photos. I’m also excited to think what I can do with digital art. I have found some very good stock photos and have gotten some really good ideas that I will be sharing with you soon. I hope I haven’t worn out the welcome on this yet….I am having a lot of fun playing with it. 🙂