Chocolate and Rambling Thoughts
I got a great surprise in the mail today when I got home from work. One of my oldest and dearest friends in Colorado (Hello Carole!) sent me some chocolate sunflower seeds to grow. Yes, you read and saw that correctly ~ chocolate sunflower seeds for planting and growing chocolate sunflowers. I can’t wait to see these flowers!! I wonder if they will have a chocolate taste? Will the birds go from eating the regular sunflower seeds to these and feel like they are getting dessert? If I succeed in growing these, photos will most definitely follow. Thanks again Carole ~ I’m so happy you thought of me!
I read an interesting article by RC Concepcion on Scott Kelby’s blog about watermarks today. I originally started out putting them in the corners….then I thought I should put them across the image….but I didn’t like the way that looked. Personally, I thought it took something away from my image so I went back to the corners again. After reading this post, I learned that was the smart thing to do. Check out the article…..he has some good alternative suggestions for protecting your images.
My jasmine plants are blooming….front and back yard. I love the smell of jasmine ~ the plant in the front is right by my front door. It is a special treat each time I walk out my door.
My favorite roses ever are blooming too. These roses have an incredible scent. I noticed the bush is getting some black spot on the leaves ~ doesn’t take long for that crap to move in does it? I will have to see if I can find something to prevent it from spreading and dropping all the leaves. I like the flowers the best….but I like the leaves too.
This little guy was hopping around while I was taking photos the other day. He was a little skittish, but kind of brave at the same time. If I got too close, he would hop off the fence and run under the Jeep. As soon as I turned away, he would fly back to the fence and hop closer to me. I think this is part of the gang of little birds like this that visit the bird feeder out front ~ perhaps he was trying to figure out if I had the treats?

Those chocolate sunflowers look like they will be gorgeous when they bloom!
Magikal Folk
I know! I’m so hoping they will grow for me….planted and waiting.
Chocolate sunflowers! Who knew!! If only I could find a place at my house that gets enough sunlight for these things I would attempt to grow them in a heart beat. I may just have to live vicariously through you right now.