New Bird Bath?
The birds have decided the new fountain makes an excellent bird bath. Maybe because it is something different? Maybe it is the bubbly water on top….a birdy bidet? It is actually a puzzler…I fill the bird bath with fresh water each day ~ I have to because I must have some really dirty birds, the water is filthy each afternoon. I refill the fountain with fresh water. I come inside and wait ~ here come the birds….straight to the fountain. I think the word has gotten around….they are all anxious to check out the cool bubbly water bird bath ~ cleans up their bottoms just right.

“birdy bidet” – very funny! And I have fountain envy. One of these days I will have a small fountain……one of these days.
Tracey of These Nine Acres
That is too funny. It must feel good! I missed you this week ;0) I fill my birdbath all the time and the birds never use it. Maybe it is the because if the barn cat? ;0)
–>We just filled our bird feeders but still need a bird bath. I love watching them clean themselves.
(also in Va.)
Magikal Folk
Well….it appears I have an extra one since my birds have decided the fountain is their new bath!