Please allow me to introduce myself….
My name is Debbie and I am a chicken little when it comes to critters and creatures.
Many of you who have been visiting for awhile know I love to photograph sunsets….sunrises too but I don’t get the opportunity to shoot those that often, so I mostly have sunsets. One of my favorite locations for sunsets is the boat docks close to my mother’s house. Actually, a few small piers and the ability to put a boat in the water….but it is called the boat docks.
You remember my post earlier about spring gnats…..and my extreme dislike for them. Well, my earlier encounter with them was nothing compared to Thursday night. They swarmed over me as soon as I stepped out of the Jeep. It was unbelievable….I have never, ever seen so many gnats on and around me in my life! And all I could think of while I’m swatting and fanning my arms like a wild woman is where the hell are all the birds and why aren’t they here getting fat and happy eating all these gnats! I started to shoot some photos but it was insane…..I was seriously ready to run screaming away when suddenly a breeze came off the water and gnats be gone. It was lovely, as long as the wind would blow. Unfortunately it wasn’t continuous so there would be times of bliss and times of agony. In the process, I was able to get a few photos….
I noticed the light rays shooting across the sky as I pulled into the lot….I was so excited I almost forgot to put the Jeep in park. Uh….can someone come get me, the Jeep is in the river ~ but I got an excellent sunset photo! No one that knows me would be surprised if I made that call to them….no one.
There were some guys in kayaks on the river that evening….the OCD in me was upset they weren’t in better formation….
There were also some fisherman and a couple of other women photographing the sunset as well. I was talking with one woman on another pier when the fisherman called out to us to point out an interesting fact……there was a water moccasin in the water, swimming towards the pier I was standing on. Swimming right towards me….me, chicken little. And even though I was standing above the water and it wasn’t even that close to us….I did a little girlie dance on the pier as I envisioned this thing freaking out and jumping through the air and up on the pier. I would have screamed like the girl that I am and ran away if that had happened. Instead it did a little turn as it flicked its forked tongue in and out and swam towards the shore…next to the pier where I was standing. I told the gal I was talking with it was time for me to go….but not before I nervously shot a few photos of the evilness swimming along. Funny thing is….they are all fairly blurry ~ chicken little can not take photos of snakes……..ever.
It was time to go after this creature made his appearance….I still get creeped out just thinking about it! Where are the wild cats that live around there when you need them??

To quote Indiana Jones, “Why did it have to be snakes. I hate snakes.” Truer words were never spoke.
Magikal Folk
Amen! Mr. Jones was a wise man.
You are funny!
Is there such thing as a spray deterrant for the gnats ? We have to use mozzie spray here at dusk or risk being eaten alive.
Don’t think it has any effect on snakes though!!!
Magikal Folk
You can put things on to keep the gnats off Gina, but then they are right there…right there in front of your face, buzzing, buzzing, buzzing. It is maddening!