Wednesday Updates
Sunflower Update
The Lemon Queen sunflower seeds are growing like weeds. While it is difficult to tell from this photo, they are maybe 4 inches tall and doing well. I haven’t been able to get a decent ground level image. Sadly, I don’t have a good progress report on the Chocolate sunflower seeds. There is what appears to be some activity in the area they were planted, but I can’t be sure yet.
Kaniki, Guardian of the Garden, was having a difficult time seeing….and he was feeling a bit claustrophobic. I could hear his heavy sighs each time I walked out in the backyard so I decided to move him to a new home ~ next to the snapdragon volunteer I transplanted into a broken pot turned planter….
Kaniki says life is good.
Tomato Watch
My first tomato is growing. I had a few buds a couple of weeks ago, but I decided the plant needed to get larger so I pinched those off. I noticed this one when I got home from work today. Yum ~ I can’t wait!
All images were processed with Gorgeous Tone 2 by ShadowHouse Creations.

I am not giving up on the Chocolate Sunflowers yet. Good things come to those who wait….sometimes.
Magikal Folk
I’m still hopeful for the Chocolates Debbie….maybe they are slow germinating? There is something coming up through the soil ~ could be weeds, could be the sunflowers. I’m letting whatever is there grow, just in case it is them.