Not So Much Tonight…
Sometimes the mind is full of ideas….not so much tonight. I suppose I was up a bit later than normal last night and I’m tired this evening ~ brain is not firing on all cylinders perhaps. I’m sitting here and try as I may the inspiration just isn’t there….maybe I’m trying too hard.
I do want to pass on a couple of links as promised. The above photo was processed with Isabelle Lafrance‘s Soulful Retro Love – Nostalgic Retro – Action for PSE. Isabelle has a beautiful site, beautiful images…..if you get a few minutes, stop by and look around. It might make you smile.
This image was processed using I Brake For Bokeh‘s Soft Glow Preset for PSE….there are many others ~ for ACR and Lightroom as well. Beautiful presets as well as some amazing photography ~ click now and check them out. You can come back to leave a comment if you want.

One Comment
The Vamp Tramp
Okay, I am deathly afraid of bugs… but that just might be my new favorite photo. It’s gorgeous!