Sneak Peek
I really liked this little house…..sitting there all by itself for the most part. Bigger, better, shinier, newer homes surrounded this place. The yard was overgrown a bit….the house an obvious older design. My sister in law said it reminded her of the Monster House. We both kept expecting it to talk to us at any moment. Composition my not be correct ~ but I liked the big blue sky and the big lawn. Look closer and you might see these orange and rust colored flowers growing through out the grass and stickers. They were all over……pretty weeds. And stickers ~ not the things kids like to collect and put into books. These are evil little balls of thorns that grow clustered together on upright and flimsy stalks….seeking out innocent and unsuspecting feet to puncture. You never, ever walk barefoot through the grass on the Outer Banks…never.
While the unpleasant task has been completed, there are lingering issues to deal with. I’m not thinking about it right now….working on my photographs ….. or I should say attempting to work on them. I have the graduation party to complete ~ but I keep coming back to the beach because looking at those photographs lets me relive the stress free moments.
But now I’m back to the real world……real life. Sigh. A sneak peek at my bedroom……more to come in the next day or two.

We have similar balls of thorns here. They are called Bindi’s. Not pleasant to get stuck in your foot. If you are ever larking around with another adult and you play-push them over so they land on outstretched hands you better hope that you are not on Bindi infested parkland. Otherwise you would not be popular at all!
I hope that your problems are fading a little. I heard the song you referred to on the radio this morning for the first time. It came on as I pulled up into my driveway and I sat there and thought of you and hoped that today is a better day…
Tracey of These Nine Acres
I love that house! Minus the thorns, of course. I could so see myself holed up there for awhile, away from the stresses of everyday life!
I remember Goat’s Heads that we have in El Paso. Not good *at* all lol.
When we get back from out UP vacation, I am going to have to pick your brain about all the cool stuff you do with your photos :). I love all the effects you use!