6 + 305
An amazing sunset over Oregon Inlet…located on Hatteras Island…
which is part of the Outer Banks, North Carolina.
Notice the sea gull chilling on the post.
As of today, I made it 6 months with a post a day.
Every day….6 months.
Woo Hoo!
I was worried I would make it through one month.
Six more to go….
Hmmmmmm…I’m hopeful.
Oh….and I made it to 305 posts.
Can’t believe 300 went by and I missed it.

Congratulations! I fell off the blogging wagon a few times over recent months. Sometimes you just get on a roll and sometimes life gets in the way. Well done on keeping up the momentum!
Magikal Folk
I’m wondering if I can manage it for another 6, but willing to give it a good try!
Awesome picture! And you are a blogging machine my friend. A machine I tell ya. I can only manage to crank out 5 posts a week. The old gray matter goes into overload otherwise.
Magikal Folk
Trust me when I say there has been more than once when I have sat in front of the computer and just drooled because nothing was there!