Outside My Window ~ 7.11.10
Outside My Window…is 85ºF with partly cloudy skies. Our forecast high today is 91º and sunshine. Right now it looks as if some dark clouds are trying to form over the neighborhood…enough to block out the sun at the moment. Personally, I wouldn’t care if it rained all day long….nice, steady shower….thoroughly soaking the ground….all day. We got a small amount of rain yesterday ~ not enough to perk up my vinca plants in the front garden….not enough to save my mint plant. It is toast I fear. My tomato plants while not yet dead seem to have suffered from the intense heat and humidity we had for so many days. I’m still hopeful the fruit that is on there now will ripen sufficiently for me to enjoy. Potted plants don’t fair well in drought and severe heat…..no matter how much you try to stay on top of the watering. My rain barrel did get a nice infusion of water yesterday, but it is still only half full. I’m really wishing now I had two or three more when we were getting all of our spring rains….would come in handy now. More workshops coming up in the fall so I will probably get at least one more….maybe two.
I am thinking…about how I dread going up in the attic later today. I may wait until later this evening since I didn’t make it up early this morning. Even though I have an attic fan that draws the heat from the attic ~ it is still Africa hot up. I will have to bear it though….I need to put some things away. I actually need to clean out the attic….too much stuff I thought at some point in my life I couldn’t live without can really go now. It was my intent to do that this past winter but I put it off for one reason or another. I’m not going to punish myself for laziness then with a heat stroke now ~ that chore will have to wait until cooler temperatures are the norm once again.
I am thankful for…the little bit of rain we did get yesterday. While it didn’t do much to alleviate our moderate drought….it did give my plants a little drink and saved me from watering.
From the kitchen…for this evening is a pork roast with potatoes ~ perhaps some lightly sauteed squash with mushroom and onions. I’ve also been craving corn on the cob as well. The roast will be seasoned and slow roasted…using the juices for a bit of gravy perhaps. Yum!
I am going…to excavate my room today. I’m trying to remember when it became a catch all for everything when I picked up the rest of the house. It takes no time at all for clutter to build to monumental proportions. Granted, I have been busy editing photos of the graduation party and the beach…so perhaps I have been a little neglectful, but good lord it is as if everything has multiplied ten fold! It ends today! I’m so close on finishing the photos but I decided to take a break and give my attention to some housework.
I am hoping…that our area gets some much needed rain in the very near future. I know vendors at the beaches would probably be cursing and hissing at me right now….they like lots of sunshine. But we could both be happy….rain at night, sun during the day.
I am hearing…the soft, whirring sound of the ceiling fan….the ticking of my many clocks….an otherwise quiet house.
Around the house…well, you have heard about the disaster that is my room….laundry to do…..outside plants to water.
Plans for the week include…another busy week at work ~ got to love the beginning of a fiscal year if you work in Finance!
One of my favorite things…is finally getting to eat one of my tomatoes! Oh Yea….it is now Critters – 1 and Me – 3. I’m winning! And they are just as tasty as I imagined they would be too.
A picture I’d like to share with you…a glimpse of what is in my garden right now. I would have had a bee visiting the sunflowers, but he was quite aggressive whenever I got close by. I got tired of dashing away singing my “bumbly bee don’t sting me song”.