Rain barrel is full and overflowing with each new rainfall that has come….I could have probably filled three more with the rain we have gotten in the past two days. Not a constant rain, but we have had a few more drenching rain showers since I took the photos. And I did go outside in the rain when it first fell…no puddle splashing, but I enjoyed it all the same.
You are lucky…all rain leaves us is more oxygen sucking humidity lol
Magikal Folk
Oh, it was a total steam bath after the rain stopped….we live in the land of horrible humidity in Southest Virginia.
Get out the gum boots and find a puddle to splash in.
Is your rain barrel full?
Magikal Folk
Rain barrel is full and overflowing with each new rainfall that has come….I could have probably filled three more with the rain we have gotten in the past two days. Not a constant rain, but we have had a few more drenching rain showers since I took the photos. And I did go outside in the rain when it first fell…no puddle splashing, but I enjoyed it all the same.
Tracey of These Nine Acres
We had rain too! Thank the heavens! Wait. We did not get a rainbow. Maybe God loves you better than us ;0)
Magikal Folk
Maybe yours was hiding behind a tree…I’m sure he loves you just the same.
That’s beautiful!