Life In General,  Miscellaneous

Credit Due


Earlier last month, the College of William and Mary hosted an employee appreciation luncheon for all the staff at the College.  It is something they do each year….it is something we look forward to each year. 

The event is held in the Wren yard so while the temperatures are generally warm for the event, we are usually enjoying a light breeze under a huge canopy of shade trees.  People are recognized for their longevity with the College and the State.  Door Prizes are also given…some quite nice.  But the reason we look forward to this day isn’t the shade trees, the break from work, the catered lunch….not even the door prizes ~ although the coveted one year free parking pass ranks pretty high on the make me happy scale!  No, the reason the staff looks forward to this is day the half day off we all get ~ in appreciation for our hard work. 

The Prez

Most of the people stay for the lunch….some take off as soon as the President makes the announcement that we have the half day off….but I generally stay for lunch.  This year I brought my camera…I thought I would take some photos  during the event.  I edited those photos this weekend and burned a disk to bring to work with me so I could show everyone involved in the photographs I took.  I got a lot of nice compliments on my images ~ and I had to laugh because many of the comments reminded me of one of my favorite new cartoons about photographers ~ What The Duck ~  and this one in particular……

I realize everyone who commented on my images meant well…I appreciated them all.  I use to be guilty of this myself….if I had a better camera….if I had a better lens.  But I realized I was the photographer and the camera was my tool.   I took really nice photographs.  There are some who think you need a really expensive camera to take nice images….while good equipment can’t hurt, I still believe all the credit should go to the photographer.   🙂

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