Outside My Window ~ 7.25.10
Outside My Window…at noon, it is a balmy 95ºF and not a cloud in the sky. Nothing but sunshine and searing heat. Factor in the heat index, at this moment it feels like 103ºF. Our forecast high for today is 105ºF….I believe they said with the heat index, it will feel like 115º. I do not plan to go anywhere today. It has been unbelievably hot these past few days….unbelievably hot. To give you an idea, I looked up some historical data for this day ~ our average temp is 86ºF…our record high was 97ºF set back in 1949. It appears that record will fall on this day. We are under dangerous heat alerts in the Hampton Roads area. According to the weather service, yesterday was a record high temperature of 102ºF. I looked out in backyard yesterday to see all types of birds standing around and in the almost empty bird bath looking like statues with their mouths wide open. It was kind of freaky looking actually and all I could envision was looking out again and seeing dead birds everywhere. I filled up the bird bath with plenty of fresh water and looked out a bit later to see many of them taking advantage of it. I guess I never really thought about how the heat must affect the wildlife as well. If you are caught in the grips of unbelievable heat like we are here….don’t forget our feathered friends are suffering as well and offer them a place for some relief.
I am thinking…about how the folks that participated in the Yorktown Photo Walk did in the heat yesterday. As you may or may not remember, I was going to participate in the walk but had to cancel at the last minute due to plumbing problems. After I went outside in the brutal heat a few times yesterday, I think it was probably for the best that I didn’t participate.
I am thankful for…the plumber that came and fixed my problem yesterday! He was able to snake the main line from my house and all was lovely after that. Of course, I’m going to miss the arm and leg I had to pay him for coming out on a Saturday to do this….but at least we can all use the toilet at the house now!
From the kitchen…is a cup of French vanilla coffee at the moment. I have had this desire to make my own bread lately. I have picked up a couple of loaves of homemade bread at a local Farmer’s Market and really enjoyed them. I have successfully made this bread recipe and would like to try my hand at a more conventional loaf. I’m not sure if today is that day though….I would hate to heat the kitchen up. I plan on trying this new pasta recipe this evening for dinner. It looks delicious!
I am hearing…the soft hum of the ceiling fan….the ticking of my many clocks…a silent house.
Around the house…I’m working my way from the front to the back with a thorough cleaning….no plumbing worries….fresh tomatoes on my kitchen shelf…and of course, laundry.
Plans for the week include…nothing that comes to mind right away actually. A plan free week for the most part….I will just take it as it comes.
One of my favorite things…eating garden fresh veggies during the summer. I love the fresh off the vine taste. I only wish I had the ability to grow many of my own but I am lucky to have some relatives and friends that give me a little here and there.
A picture I’d like to share with you…actually I’m going to share several….a little of this and that.
The sunflowers have taken a beating this year from the heat
and drought…but I’m managing to get a few shots.
And finally….I was able to get my first really good butterfly images.
I took many…one I featured on Friday…here is another…

We have an old sandbox right outside my window and the birds come roll in the sand when they get too hot. I should really put out a birdbath for them.
There is an award awaiting you on my blog :).
Magikal Folk
Thank you Penny!
The pictures are great.
Magikal Folk
Thanks Daddio!