Looking Back ~ August 3rd
I came home from work a little early today….I actually brought some things home with me to work from home. I have been feeling a bit under the weather the past couple of days and will work from home tomorrow so I can fully recover. I have a trip coming up don’t ‘cha know…have to be 100% before next week.
After I arrived home, I laid down for a bit and contemplated what I wanted to post about today. I had an idea….I would go back and revisit some photos I took on this day last year. I have learned volumes in the past year….especially in the field of editing and processing. I wanted to see if I could do something with the photos that I rejected last year. I picked out five and processed them in Lightroom 3. These were all taken with my Canon point and shoot ~
I took five images that didn’t really catch my eye before and transformed them into something I actually like now. That does make me feel better about not deleting all the old rejects now. I knew there was a reason I was holding on to them.

Tracey of These Nine Acres
Smart~ I may have to steal that idea some time!
Magikal Folk
Please do….I was thinking about next time posting before and after.
Isn’t digital photography and all the lovely tools available just the most marvelous thing!!!
Magikal Folk
Agreed…the ability to turn something drab and uninteresting into something I enjoy is marvelous!