Craft,  Family,  Miscellaneous

As Promised….

I had made myself a promise that I was going to finish various things I have started recently.  One being the trunk I bought last year at a garage sale.  I really didn’t like the trunk as it was… of my daughters thought it was alright….the other had no real opinion.  Me ~ I had specific ideas for that trunk when I bought it ~ it has just taken a while for it to come to fruition.  It still isn’t quite complete, but moving along.  I wanted to show you before and after…….


Before…..brown with a yucky plastic liner.  I ventured to guess this had been stuck away in some one’s garage for a time.  So I cleaned it up, ripped out the yucky plastic liner ~ but gently so I could use it for a pattern when I cut a new liner.  I primed the trunk and then spray painted it.  I removed the little side panels and the old leather handles.  I’m decided to paint them white and use a soft, green rope as the handle.  The thick rope is similar to what you would use on a hammock.  I got several scrap pieces of this fine rope when I visited Nags Head Hammocks years ago and purchased my hammock rocker.  Yes ~ a rocker hammock and yes it is so comfy.  Another story for another day.  🙂

Here is the after of my trunk.  I have yet to put in the new lining (still trying to decide on the fabric), and I have to purchase a new little chain to attach the body and lid together.  I have added another coat to the little side panels so I don’t have the handles on yet, but they are ready when I get enough coats of paint on.  Once I get it all put together, I will show you the finished trunk.

 The other project on my to-do list…..soft cover journals. I wanted to give my college bound niece something personal, something special from me.  I thought about what I wanted to do…and this idea kept coming to me ~ a personalized soft cover journal. 

The cover was made from fabric which wraps around the paper I had tea stained and deckeled the edges.  The signatures are sewn in by hand with linen thread. 

I personalized this by adding a photograph from the mini photo shoot I had on the beach with her and her friends this past June.  I printed this on canvas, attached the binding tape to the image and secured it to the journal cover with buttons.  I created a flap with a button hole and added a button so it could be secured.

I think she really liked it…..if her smile was any indication, I would say she did.  🙂

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