Dream Realized
Last fall, I would pass by this house in Colonial Williamsburg that had a fence covered with morning glory flowers and vines….it was beautiful. The big, blue flowers would greet me every day before work. I decided I wanted to plant morning glories so they would grow over my fence by my front door and greet me each morning when I walked out. Dream realized……..

How amazing to know that you had a dream and actually put it into practise and got to have your very own Morning Glory. So many dreams get thought about and then never acted upon. You should be proud!
Magikal Folk
I can be guilty of thinking but not acting however I have found as I have gotten older that it is better to act sometimes rather than waiting ‘for the right time’.
These are beautiful, I also dream of a prettier garden for the next season – I guess I will get to work on making my dreams come true even now
By the way, I would like to invite you to a SUMMERIZING event I’m hosting.
Take a look, it would be great if you took part in it