Summerizing :: summer in review
Even though summer is fighting to hang on…the light has changed from a harsh summer glare to softer, golden tones of early autumn, the temperatures at night are just a bit cooler and there is a definite feeling of change in the air. I’m joining my friend Ella at and “Summerizing” my summer.
What is the best memory of this summer for you?
I don’t think I can pick just one memory……I have many. There were no extraordinary plans for the summer ~ I expected a very quiet one actually. And for the most part, that is what it was.
What is the one event you looked forward to the most? Did it turn out as you expected?
If I have to pick one, it would be visiting my parents in Catawba, South Carolina…..and it always turns out as I expected….no concrete plans when we go, just an easy going time relaxing with loved ones.
Have you done/tried/tasted something completely new, how was your experience?
It wasn’t officially summer yet, but close enough. I attended a water conservation class presented by Master Gardener’s and built my own rain barrel for collecting water from my roof. The class was interesting, building the rain barrel was easy…but hands down the funniest part of the class ~ seeing all those folks ~ young and old ~ climbing inside their barrels to finish the faucet installation. The barrel was lying in the grass and you had to crawl in…tight quarters for some required much wiggling around with a barrel on your head so to speak….it was a hoot. I so wanted to take photos of that but thought some of the participants may not appreciate the humor of it….so I didn’t.
I tried my hand at a much larger flower garden this year…..and it was pretty successful. It enabled me to get many flower photographs….some bees and finally the elusive butterfly photographs I have been hoping for. It would have much easier if the season long drought hadn’t shown up but I still enjoyed it. My plans for next year are even better than this one.
Tasted….I found a recipe so I could make home made ice cream with an ice cream maker….oh yea!
Is there a valuable lesson you learned this summer?
Lesson learned…..look at your tires very closely~ especially if they have some mileage and age on them. I was fortunate nothing happened to me when one of mine decided to come to pieces as I drove down the interstate one morning. Another lesson ~ there are some really good manager’s around.
I also learned there is a lot to be said for enjoying a summer that isn’t packed with plans.
Is there something you wanted to try or complete that you didn’t have the time for? What do you think stood in your way and will you still attempt it?
I wanted to do some fresh vegetable canning this summer but I came to that conclusion a bit late. I doubt I will be able to do much at this time, but it is something I would like to try next year.
From your summer experience, what are you most grateful for?
I’m most grateful for time spent with my daughters. Time with my oldest is already limited due to our work schedules ~ and her social life. My youngest has a fairly busy social life as well, but we do spend quite a bit of time together. She accompanied me on my trip to South Carolina this summer. I know that sooner than I would like, she will be off on her own as well. It is what we raise them to do but I am grateful for the time I get to spend with them.
What was your favourite place you travelled to? Do you plan to go back there?
With the exception of a trip to Nags Head, my only other trip was to Catawba ~ and I most certainly plan on going back…to both places.
Is there a blog that inspires you the most?
Actually….all of them do but in different ways. Some make my creative juices flow….some give me photographic tips or ideas…some provide tasty goodness….and others make me laugh.
Is there a blog post you’re most proud of?
There are two actually….and both were tributes to my paternal and materal grandmothers.
Is there a blog post you wish had more reaction and/or comments?
I enjoy comments but I never really expect them. It always makes me smile when I get one though….so feel free!
What is your favourite photo that you’ve posted this summer?
I can honestly say I don’t have one favorite because each time I download my camera, I get a new one. One of my favorites was this one of my daughter and her friend walking on the beach in Nags Head.
What photo or photos from this summer you didn’t get a chance to post?
Too numerous to list….I have taken so many photographs this summer but I only pick a few to post on the blog. I hope to post them on my Flickr account in the near future ~ unfortunately I haven’t been keeping up with that this summer. Perhaps when the colder weather sets in I will find the time to catch up on everything.
If you are so inclined to “Summerize” your summer, leave a link in the comments both here and with Ella at Lifeologia ~ we will be happy you did.

Debbie, that’s great that you did this post. I am thrilled and excited to be reading your answers ;D
I am so proud you did your own rain barrel and I also would love more butterflies in my garden. Your daughters are so beautiful and it’s great that you’re close to them.
Thanks so much for joining the fun
This was enjoyable to read, particularly your description of the rain barrel making! Installing a rain barrel has long been something my husband and I have talked about doing. After reading your description, I’m wondering if maybe we should just *buy* one…?!?!
Beautiful photos of your daughters and the sunset, by the way.
Thanks for sharing. So fun getting to know others bloggers this way!
I kind of, sort of participated in Ella’s “Summarizing” project. I had already done a ‘summer in summary’ post with photos when I learned of her project, so rather than recreate the wheel, so to speak, here was my submission: