Outside My Window ~ 9.12.10
Outside My Window…is cloudy with fog and light rain ~ about 70ºF at 5:47 p.m. ~ it has been cloudy, cool and rainy all day ~ fabulous! Believe it or not, I’m not being sarcastic either….as far as I am concerned this cool, gray, rainy day is just what I ordered. Lord knows we can definitely use the rain….and the clouds and cool weather is a welcome relief from the heat and sunshine. You are probably thinking I’m insane if you live in an area that has experienced cool temps and lots of rain this summer but we have been so hot and dry I was beginning to forget what this type of weather felt like. All those wishes from people coming to the coast must have granted this year because there was plenty of sun and heat. I was poking around on the weather channel recently and discovered that we are exceptionally dry according to their drought map. I actually knew that but the size of the exceptionally dry area really surprised me…..I knew it had been dry very close to the coast, I thought it was mostly reserved to our region not the large area I saw spreading back into Virginia. Deleware and Maryland.
I am thinking…about how nice the day has been ~ yes, I loved the rain today…I loved the clouds. I took my youngest over to a much larger mall in Norfolk early this afternoon and ran a few errands myself. Traffic was good and the company was excellent.
I am thankful…that my brother-in-law’s mother is at peace and finally free of the cancer she courageously fought for so long. She closed her eyes quietly yesterday…..peace be with you Susan.
From my kitchen…will be cheese enchiladas this evening. Earlier I made a mixture of broccoli, eggs and brown rice…a few spices ~ quite tasty. I will sometimes add grilled chicken to this mixture for an evening meal. This time it was for breakfast….something nice to start my day.
I am going…to prepare dinner…..get my things ready for work tomorrow…..I may try to process a few photos but I think I will take the eveing off.
I am hoping…to get to bed fairly early tonight ~ it makes getting up at dark o’clock so much easier when I do.
I am hearing…Lord of the Rings on the television….the ticking of my many clocks…..the dryer tumbling with Cailin’s clothes. The smartest thing I ever did was teach my girls how to do their laundry several years ago. It can get tangled when we all want to do ours at the same time, but that doesn’t happen real often. I supply the detergent, they do the labor…yes, smartest decision ever!
Around the house…my laundry ….dinner to prepare….dishes to wash…..normal stuff.
Plans for the week include…nothing planned actually, I will probably scan more images….process some photos or make the lining for my wicker chest. I have the fabric…have had it for some time but I haven’t been able to decide which I wanted to use ~ that is kind of funny actually because it will be inside the chest, not like anyone is going to see it. Such are the decisions of my life right now ~ sigh.
One of my favorite things…gotta love rainy days like today, especially if it has been too long between visits.
A picture I’d like to share with you…rain.