Outside My Window ~ 10.24.10
Outside My Window…is 57ºF on a beautiful Sunday evening. There is an amazing moon out tonight….huge….rising in the east and illuminating the neighborhood. Tonight will be clear but we have a chance of thunderstorms tomorrow evening. Our temperatures are going to climb back up to the high seventies and low eighty degree range until Friday when they will return to average temperatures of around 60ºF. Hopefully the low humidity will continue as well.
I am thinking…and formulating some plans in my head. I have a passion for photography….it is something I enjoy and something I believe I am quite good at. My photography as well as my editing capabilities have come really far this past year. I am exploring some possibilities I will be sharing with you in the next few weeks.
From my kitchen…is not much tonight. The kitchen has been fairly quiet this past week….it was a busy week and no one was very hungry in the evenings so no large meals have been cooked. Once the cold weather settles in and it gets dark earlier in the evenings the comfort foods of winter will come out.
I am creating…somewhat of a headache for myself. What I thought would be an easy fix to turn the handbag I had into a camera handbag isn’t turning out to be so easy. I love it when you make a plan and everything falls into place….it annoys me when you make a plan and it doesn’t come together as you envisioned it would. I had to walk away from it today…walk away before my head exploded.
I am reading…cell phone instructions for a new cell phone I got today. Yes ladies and gentleman, I have finally decided to embrace the age of technology and use a cell phone. I have actually had one for several years but I never really used it. My youngest daughter commandeered it about a year ago….which was fine with me because as I said, I never really used it. I decided to upgrade the old phone and add another line for myself and my oldest. I wanted something so my daughters could reach me (or me reach them) and the family plan seemed like the best idea.
I am hearing…the dryer finishing up some laundry….a cell phone commercial on television….the ticking of my many clocks.
Around the house…laundry….and a work area I need to do something with. I wish I had some cabinets in this area…that would be perfect but since I don’t, I have to come up with another way to store things. I’m considering joining our Freecycle group in my area….perhaps if I did I could run across some cabinets. I’m familiar with the group but I don’t have any personal knowledge of how it works. Has anyone utilized Freecycle in their area and if so, would you be willing to tell me about your experiences? I would like to hear how it worked out for you and what you thought about the quality of the offerings.
Plans for the week include…to see if I can make the camera handbag idea work ~ I know it is a good idea, I’m just not sure I can get it to come together like I would like. And of course….work, work, work.
A picture I’d like to share with you…first ~ this is one I took of the moon this evening. My oldest daughter called to tell me I needed to go out and take a look at it ~ I was glad she did. Notice all of the crater detail.
Details for interested parties (i.e. geek speak for photographers)….
Tripod mounted Canon Rebel XSi; Lens ~ EF-S 55 – 250mm; Manual Exposure;
ISO 1600; f/10.0; 1/1000; focal length 250mm
And these images were from this morning…..this bird was hanging around singing a pretty song. I caught him/her in the neighbors dogwood tree, snacking on the berries….
….and then he/she flew up to my roof and sat by the edge for a little while…..
I love the detail in these two images…so much so you can even see the claws quiet clearly. I went about photographing some zinnias and morning glories when I looked up and noticed the bird had moved to my chimney cap. I pointed my camera up….zoomed in….and the stars aligned because I got my coolest bird shot to date. I didn’t even realize I had gotten it until I downloaded the photos….but isn’t it sweet!!

WOW! Great shots! I was trying to get a good shot of Talan but was using our little point and shoot. Should have gone in and gotten the big one. He was playing in the leaves with the neighbors. He never really has before. Hopefully will be able to get him interested again and will use the Canon T1i.
Magikal Folk
Thanks Carole! I rarely use my point and shoot any more. I will be looking for the image of Talan soon.
Great things on your list and beautiful shots
Love those birds and the moon is just perfect!
Magikal Folk
Thanks Ella….the bird is quite friendly ~ singing a beautiful song for me as I left for work today. There must be a nest nearby.
Brittany E.
Me and Adam saw that full moon the other night, and we commented that walking Sarah would be awful because all the crazies come out during the full moon, and indeed all the crazies did.
But isn’t it always nice to remember that we all are looking at the same moon?
Magikal Folk
Wonder why it is the crazies seem to come out when the moon is full….maybe cause they can see better?
It is always nice to remember we are all looking at the same moon….kind of makes the world a bit smaller and connects us.
Sue Thurston
Love the pics Debbie! You surely have an eye for photography! Hope all is well with you all.
Magikal Folk
Thanks Sue! Remember all those family functions I had a camera in my face…lots of practice, practice, practice!
It has been in my blood for a very long time and it gets stronger as time goes by.