Photography It Happens November 1, 2010 / There was going to be another image here tonight. I had planned a sunset. Download images…open PSE7. Ready…wait…what? Photoshop Elements wasn’t cooperating. Crash….burn. Un-install. Reinstall. It happens.
Liz November 2, 2010 at 8:20 pm Oh, gee! You are right when you say it happens. Nonetheless, it can still be frustrating. The pic that you did post is very pretty. Is that a coleus?
Magikal Folk November 2, 2010 at 9:57 pm No….it is a dogwood leaf. It does look a bit like coleus doesn’t it?
Oh, gee! You are right when you say it happens. Nonetheless, it can still be frustrating. The pic that you did post is very pretty. Is that a coleus?
Magikal Folk
No….it is a dogwood leaf. It does look a bit like coleus doesn’t it?