Outside My Window ~ 11.14.10
Outside My Window…is a beautiful, cool morning. At 10:45 we have blue skies, sunshine, 58ºF with calm winds. Our forecast high for the day is 63ºF and clear skies….doesn’t get too much better than this folks. Simply beautiful! This is the time of year I love temperature wise…the nights are cool and the days are mild. I like cool nights because I like snuggling down under the covers when I sleep…and I can do that now that the horrendous night sweats have left the building. Can I get a hallelujah on that please?
I am thinking…that another cup of coffee sounds pretty good right now. I have been up for several hours but only had one cup of coffee thus far. I got involved in editing a few images from a test shoot and cleaning out my email boxes this morning.
I am thankful…that our nice weather is going to hang around for another day after today. I have someone coming to look at my roof tomorrow. My most excellent neighbor Steve arranged the whole thing for me. The same individual is replacing his windows and Steve asked while he was here if he would take a look at my roof. So I guess I’m actually thankful for the nice weather and again, for the best neighbor ever! He does gutters and arranges repairmen to check out my roof. He would become King of Neighbors if he paid to have my roof fixed, but I think he is probably satisfied with simply being the best.
From my kitchen…is coffee at the moment. Later there could be a combination of brown rice, eggs and asparagus for breakfast. Or maybe an omelet with onions, cheese and asparagus ~ topped with a little salsa….yes, that sounds good. I haven’t had an omelet in forever. Dinner tonight is still a mystery to me.
I am creating…a continuance of my chaos from last week. I’m still gutting the place and cleaning the cracks and crevices. You know how some people spring clean, I guess I do mine in the mid to late fall.
I am going…to attempt to put some things in the attic and then move all the stuff out of the way again just in case Mr. Roofer needs to look at the area in the attic where the leak seems to come from. This is a chore I do not look forward to today…not in the least.
I am reading…mostly online reviews of some photography books I’m interested in purchasing ~ or receiving for Christmas gifts this year. I’m glad I decided to pay more attention to the reviews because one particular book I was very interested in did not get good reviews at all…not at all. It was a little surprising because the individual that writes and creates these books is generally quite good and gets good reviews…apparently missed the mark on this one. That book has been removed from my list and I’m looking for a good replacement.
I am hoping…Mr. Roofer finds something as simple as the flashing around the chimney needs re-caulking or something as equally simple when he goes on my roof tomorrow. I’m also hoping that we have a little more success in finding a car for my youngest this week. I have discovered when you find a possibility you must immediately check it out and not wait a couple of days for the weekend. We did find a possible vehicle but because it was about 30 miles away, I opted to wait until Saturday to check it out. Apparently someone else thought it was the car of their dreams as well and didn’t wait until Saturday so it was gone before we even got a chance to look. Sigh….she has forgiven me and I have resigned myself to the fact that after working all day I may have to take an adventure in car shopping before I can get home into my comfy clothes for the night.
I am hearing…the ticking of my many clocks….my fingers clicking on the keyboard….the soft hum of the refrigerator….and an otherwise quiet house. Sometimes I really enjoy quiet.
Around the house…remnants of my continuing chaos….my laundry that needs both washing and drying….a few large boxes to collapse for recycling pickup tomorrow. Yes, along with the hazardous materials recycling, I utilize my city provided recycle container each week for pickup by the city. I put it out by the edge of the road and they do the rest.
Plans for the week include…working from home tomorrow so I can let Mr. Roofer in if needed….continue my get ready for Christmas decorating cleaning….perhaps go look at a car or two.
One of my favorite things…is decorating for Christmas. I love how putting up a tree can transform regular rooms into amazing rooms. I can remember those special moments when my daughter’s and I would get out the decorations and laugh as we reminisced about a Christmas past.
A picture I’d like to share with you…is some images of fall in my area. It was not a week ago I was a little disappointed because it appeared we were not going to have very much color…I had thought the drought this past spring and summer may have had an ill effect on the foliage. I was happily wrong, the colors just exploded everywhere this past week….simply beautiful. I posted an image of the Crim Dell bridge on Friday, but this one is a little different….I guess it could be considered a little busy but I love all the colors and the reflections of the bridge and colors in the water….plus a few others follow after this one.
And outside my back door yesterday morning as the sun was rising….this sweet view….

I love your Outside My Window posts and think I will try one someday. Your fall pictures are beautiful and I may have to take a country ride to see what I can find down here. So far, it’s not very fall like except for the weather change.
You captured the moon so beautifully! And I love the bridge too!
Magikal Folk
Thanks Sandy….I was thinking the same thing about fall myself when all of a sudden we had this explosion of color all around. I’m betting next stop is Carolina.
Your list is great. I am craving coffee at the moment
Thanks. I’m a tea drinker actually – so you can see how powerful your words are 
PS. This year I can’t wait for Christmas myself. Probably because my little girl is old enough to help out and show more excitement that is very contagious I hear
Magikal Folk
You will have a wonderful time this Christmas with your little girl. The little ones bring the magic back to the holidays for the grown ups….it shines in their faces and in their eyes.