Outside My Window ~ 12.5.10
Outside My Window…at 6:45 this evening is 36°F, feels like 30°F. Our forecast low for tonight is 27°F……brrrr. It has been rather chilly these past few days. It snowed last night ~ not so much, only about 1/4 of an inch…but snow all the same. Unfortunately I have been under the weather the past few days so I didn’t get out early this morning to capture an image of the snow before it all melted. It was a beautiful day today albeit a chilly and windy one. It will continue to be cold throughout the next week…guess winter is here to stay.
I am thinking…that I’m way over feeling bad and want to be well ~ right now. I don’t feel feverish but I do feel achy and my head hurts. I’m experiencing mostly a dry hacking type cough with a feeling of weight on my chest…..and I lost my voice today. It has slowly come back although I have been told I sound like a man ~ lovely. Cough drops and throat lozenges seem to help some but it is hanging on pretty good. I started to feel a little rough around Thanksgiving weekend but thought I could shake it….even managed to do so until Friday morning when I woke up and felt like I had been hit by a truck. I didn’t make it in to work and have been in bed for the most part since Friday….getting up a little here and there to move around simply because I’m getting a little achy and tired from laying in bed all the time. I can’t tell you how many hours I have slept in these three days….when I’m not coughing that is. I’m going to attempt to go to work tomorrow not because I love it so but because we are swamped with things that need to be completed before I go out on leave the 17th of this month. If I get there and can’t handle it, I can at least take some home with me and work on it when I can. That is the plan anyway….I’m actually hoping that I don’t have to go to this back up plan and wake up feeling so much better tomorrow. Hopeful….so very hopeful.
I am thankful…I completed all my decorating for Christmas before I became ill. It would have made me crazy to have it half done….now I can lay around and enjoy the decorations without wondering when I could get it finished.
From my kitchen…is not a thing at the moment. My dreams of trying new recipes with my new mixer did not come to fruition and meals in general this past weekend have been scarce. Fortunately my daughters can fend for themselves and have been taking care of me. I just haven’t been that terribly hungry, not to mention my throat is a little raw from the coughing. I may attempt something simple in a little while…then again maybe not.
I am going…to perhaps work on a editing few more photos this evening. I did an edit for Cailin last night during one of my times out of bed. I posted the images on Facebook, but for those of you that don’t subscribe to Facebook ~ I will share them with you here. The first is my youngest and my sister followed by one of Cailin and her best friend.
I am hoping…that the news on my good friend in Philadelphia gets better. I discovered earlier this week he had been hospitalized after an especially brutal mugging. I want to call his sister but my croaking voice is difficult to understand in person let alone on the telephone. Another friend had contacted me initially about his attack and hospitalization. He has suffered massive head trauma. I haven’t seen Glenn in some time now….distance and our different lives have kept us apart but there was once upon a time when we were inseparable. Back in the day, he was my confidant and my dance partner. Disco was the rage and we both loved to dance….and dance we did. We would practice new dances prior to going to the clubs and we were good. We fought like old marrieds and if you saw one, you saw the other…but we were not a couple in that sense. My heart broke wide open when I read the news…..I can’t imagine the horror my dear friend experienced. Please keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers.
I am hearing…a Harry Potter movie on in the background….dryer tumbling towels and blankets dry….the ticking of my many clocks.
Around the house…is a fairly tidy house, which is a little surprising considering I haven’t been up and about all that much. Teenaged girls tidy…who knew that could happen.
Plans for the week include…hopefully feeling better…and eye doctor appointment for Cailin on Friday….getting my Christmas cards together.
One of my favorite things…actually, feeling the way I do right now ~ I’m having a hard time thinking of a favorite thing right now. Next week I will do better.
A picture I’d like to share with you…squirrels ~ I think they must be fairly young….they have been playing like kittens together in my backyard these past few days. Here they are enjoying some seed I put out for them.

Love those little squirrels! I have them too.
I hope youfeel better. Sounds like you do sick as well as I do!
Take care,
Magikal Folk
Feeling a bit better…wish this cough and croaky voice would go away!